Rich season at Performing Arts Center

Lee Dombroski outlined the upcoming season at UHH Performing Arts Center and reflected on some past experiences, including getting called out for copyright violation by Frank Zappa's wife, because his moustache is copyrighted. She has been director at the Center for seven years.
She was introduced by Sandy Tokuuke, who is a member of the Center's advisory board, and is spouse of RCHB member Dale Tokuuke.
From Blue Grass to the Demigod Maui, to Mavis Staples and Tunisa's Emel Mathlouthi with her band.  One of Mathlouthi's songs was picked up by the Arab Spring as an anthem.  Se is not allowed to perform in a number of Mid-East countries.  She's performing at UHH on Oct. 4.
Dombroski said Indian Ink Theatre Company (Oct. 18) will present the story of a tea seller in Bangladesh; she called it "our homage to giving students live performances from a very different world view."
Conquering the Sun, about Demigod Maui, was written, in conjunction with others, by Jackie Pualani Johnson and will be performed for island school students. Johnson is also writing "Hilo, da Musical" for a spring performance.
These are only a few of the lineup for the season.  The entire list can be viewed by clicking here.