When Karolyn Lundkvist introduced speaker, Col. (Ret.) Deb Lewis, she asked members to "imagine a life of service on steroids." A military brat who joined the Army after West Point (in first class to admit females), Deb has moved 31 times; she spent 34 years in the military.  Hilo, with spouse Doug Adams (president of the South Hilo Rotary Club) is their chosen home and community. 
Deb Lewis is a combat veteran, holds a Harvard MBA, and recently established a personal development service with Doug called Sunrise Aloha LLC.  She's also working with UH-Hilo's Chancellor, Don Straney, Ph.D., on energy and sustainability issues.
Deb talked about Rotary as a great example of a face-to-face organization.
She offered tips on greeting people you don't know; "strangers are just friends you haven't met, yet."
And, using her relationship with her daughter as an example, she noted that "people do not want advice."  The ultimate empowerment tool is to "ask better questions."   Rather than give advice, it is more effective, and you can have more influence, if you ask directed questions. 
When her daughter reaches out to her, for example, she might ask what her daughter would say if her best friend faced the same issues. 
She asked Club members to consider and answer two questions for themselves: What one relationship in life you could influence for the better?  If you could have anything that would change your life for the better, what would it be?