Nov 13, 2019
Kyla Edison
Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES)


Kyla Edison is the Geology and Material Science Technician for the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES), a state funded aerospace company dedicated to promoting the aerospace industry in Hawai’i.  A three-time PISCES summer intern, Kyla has been researching in the Planetary Geology field for almost six years.  In 2015 & Kyla won a NASA Hawai’i Space Grant fellowship studying gully formation in Martian craters.  In 2016 Kyla graduated from the University of Hawai’i Hilo with her bachelors in Geology, having had a dedicated focus to astronomy and planetary geology.  Today Kyla is a full-time PISCES employee researching how to create construction materials using Lunar and Martian regolith(surface dust) for future base settlements.  Kyla does this by using the strikingly comparable Hawaiian basalt rock and a technique known as sintering. Kyla’s biggest hope is that the construction materials PISCES creates can also have Earth based applications especially for economic development in Hawai’i.