

Sharon Scheele Honored:

Immediate Past President Cedric Mitsui honored Sharon Scheele with the Rotary International Avenues of Service Citation for her steadfast support for the RCHB.  Sharon, current membership chair, is heavily involved in RYLA as well as other projects and programs, and is a past president of the Club.



New Members

John Furstenwerth was inducted as a new member.  John is assistant state director for the Hawaii Small Business Development Center network and was sponsored by Yu Yok Pearring.  John said he was attracted to the warmth and camaraderie of our Club.  Welcome John!

We also officially welcomed Marcia Sakai (right photo) to our Club, Marcia transferred from the Rotary Club of Hilo.  She is vice chancellor for administrative affairs at the University of Hawaii-Hilo.  Her sponsors in our Club are Sharon Scheele, Barry Taniguchi and Carol Van Camp.  Welcome Marcia!