President Steven introduced his father, Anthony Sylvester who was the second generation of Sylvester's working on Mauna Kea. Since Anthony was well know to some of the members, we heard a number of comments about his sons face painting and about Anthony's parents commitment to 4H on the Big Island. President Steven also got a zinger in about his brother who is now the third generation working on Mauna Kea and his need to produce a four generation of Sylvesters working on the mountain.
After all of this banter was over, Anthony started to explain what radion astronomy is, how it uses band width to measure everything from continental drift, sea level rise, the location of satellites, to examining black holes, the expansion of the universe, and so much more. Three radio telescope arrays located here, in New Mexico and West Virginia form one immense instrument through exacting syncronization. 
If you want more inforation, please refer to the Very Long Baseline Array handout. Just remember, if you get lost in the subject, it is just FM!