
  • Pledge of Allegiance  --  Preston Barnes IV
  • Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
  • Introduction of guests
  • Announcements by the President
  • Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
  • Anniversaries
  • Happy Dollars
  • General Assembly
    • Rotary Moment
    • Board Decisions
    • Zoom vs. In Person Meetings
    • Oktoberfest
    • Door Prizes
  • 4-Way Test - Preston Barnes IV
The video of today's meeting is available on YouTube:

Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Preston Barnes IV

Inspiration -- Provided by Curt Sharp

Guests -- Misaki S., guest of Miyuki L.  Welcome back!  This is her 4th visit.

Announcements by the President

The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.

** Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist. Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.

Meeting Schedule in July and August

  • Wednesday, July 29 -- 5th Wednesday of the Month -- Club Assembly.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.  
  • Wednesday, August 5 -- Membership Month.  Guest speaker is Sharon Scheele.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
  • Wednesday, August 12 -- Guest Speaker TBD.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
  • Wednesday, August 19 -- Vocational Day.  Guest speaker is Virginia Juettner.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
  • Wednesday, August 19 -- Board Meeting, immediately following the General Meeting.  Will end at 9:00 am.
  • Thursday, August 20 -- Club Social.  5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  Location TBD.
  • Wednesday, August 26 -- Guest Speaker TBD.  Meeting start at 7:00 am.

All East Hawaii Group Meeting


Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations

  • Receiving many invitations.  I will forward information.

District Happenings

Mark Your Calendars

District Conference 2021

  • Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.

Future Rotary International Conventions

  • Taipei: June 12-16, 2021
  • Houston: June 4-8, 2022


Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report

The list of the past online club meetings is on the ClubRunner
Click "View the List of Online Club Meetings," then...

Anniversaries between July 23 and July 29, 2020

Wedding Anniversary -- Happy Anniversary!

  • Jan Haraguchi-Abundo (John) 

Club Anniversary -- Thank you for your years of service to Rotary!  You make a difference.

  • Tomo Saito 
  • Lorraine Davis 
  • Kevin Hopkins 
  • Tom Whittans 

Birthday --  Happy Birthday!

  • Yu Yok Pearring 



Happy Dollar

Keep your happy dollar donation in an envelope and bring it to the next in-person meeting. You may contact Deborah Beaver to make a payment with your credit card or mail your check to the club. Thank you.
In addition, you may now pay from our new online payment system: 

We are happy Rotarians!  Thank you to all who contributed.

Alan O. is $10 happy that the Kaleo will be returning soon.  He is also winning his battle with the weeds in his yard.

Tom W. is $20 happy.  $5 for each of his twins who is back home to stay for a while and purchased a car from him.  Another $10 for finding the differences in driving a Silverado vs. the car he had.

Art T. is $31 happy.  Last week he offered $26 happy dollars for his 26 years in Rotary and Lorraine didn't list it, so he added another $5 this week.  Lorraine understands that if she forgets it this week, she pays a fine!

Paula U. is $5 for making it through the week without a storm.

Jan H. is $21 happy to celebrate her anniversary.

Alan O. was $5 to find out that our anniversary bouquets are still being delivered.

Barbara H. is $5 happy to see Chester.  Chester has been ill and she was quite worried about him.

Anita C. is $10 happy.  She and her family are healthy and Hurricane Douglas didn't hit us.

Virginia and Bob J. are $10 happy and sad.  They are happy there was no hurricane damage and the Civil Defense system works.  They are sad to find out that their Arizona club's past president's husband passed away.  

Lorraine is $10 happy.  She left her cell phone on the roof of her car and drove off.  A good Samaritan picked up the phone from the highway and returned it to Lorraine.  Lorraine uses her cell phone case as a wallet so her driver's license and a credit card was with the phone and the phone was returned intact.

General Assembly

Rotary Moment:  Lorraine asked club members to write down one word in the chat of what Rotary means to them.  Results to be shared at the next meeting.
Board Decisions:  Lorraine reported on Board decisions made at the last two Board meetings.
  • Bob Juettner, Virginia Juettner and Barbara Hastings request for Rule of 85 status was granted.  Congratulations!  There are other club members who qualify for senior status under the Rule of 85 but must request approval to receive it.
  • The Board decided to cancel an in-person Oktoberfest and that we would like to pursue a virtual event.  Dave D. is leading the committee to investigate the possibilities.
  • Watching the You Tube video of the meeting will constitute as a make-up meeting while we continue to be on Shelter in Place restrictions.
  • The District Grant recipient was the YWCA Developmental Preschool.  Members of the Board felt strongly about the other applicant, Friends of the Children's Justice Center that they decided to solicit individual funds from members to support the FCJC.  Dale T. is leading the collection of checks.  For anyone wanting to contribute, write your check to Friends of the Children's Justice Center and send and/or give it to Dale T.
  • The goals and budget for this Rotarian year is going to be similar to past years.  While we are in the midst of a pandemic, we don't want to be overly aggressive but be intentional in what and how we go about our projects, goals, revenue and expenditures.
  • We are going to at least Zoom through August and revisit in person meetings/Zoom meetings or a hybrid as changes in restrictions change.
Zoom vs. In person meetings.  Lorraine reported that she has had inquiries and requests about having in person meetings.  After feedback from the membership, we will continue to Zoom and offer in person socials for the time being.
Door Prizes.  Lorraine has 5 different gift certificates to be given for door prizes.  She requested that a club member assist in helping with tickets and establishing the winner.  Lorraine is willing to be responsible for the delivery of the door prize to the winner.  Anyone interested to please contact Lorraine.
Lorraine had other topics to cover -- and will send out a Doodle poll to start discussions.
Thank you for a lively meeting and to all who participated. 
Next Meeting
  • The next club meeting will be Wednesday, August 6, 2020 from 7 a.m. via Zoom.  Zoom doors open at 6:30.  Sharon Scheele will be talking to us about membership as we move into Membership Month at Rotary.

Additional Announcements

Alan O. reported a discussion that he had with District 5000 regarding the Foundation.  His discussion prompted a larger discussion among members with the conclusion about whether we reinstate our foundation status or stay with using the District 5000 as our umbrella needs more discussion and research.  We currently have money in the District 5000 Foundation that is available to us and can continue to use it while we make that determination.

The Four Way Test  - Preston Barnes IV