
  • Pledge of Allegiance  --  Tom Witthans
  • Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
  • Introduction of guests
  • Announcement by the President
  • Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
    • School Project -- Tim Hansen
    • Holiday Social -- James Tyrin
  • Anniversaries
  • Happy Dollars
  • Guest Speaker -- Dr. Clare Schnurr
  • 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Recorded Meeting: 
Recorded Meeting:  TBD
Published Presentation: TBD



Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Tom Witthans


Inspiration -- Mike Carroll


Introduction of Guests

Dr. Clare Schnurr
Doug Adams, Assistant Governor
Janell Kuamoo, potential member
Michelle Flemming, potential member
Alan Kusunoki, Rotary Club of Hilo

Announcements by the President

The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.

  • The notes from the December 2, 2020 RCHB meeting can be found here:
  • The recording of the meeting can be found here: 
    Recorded Meeting:
    Published Presentation:
    ** Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist. Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.

Volunteers needed!

December 16, 2020 meeting:
  • Pledge of Allegiance:   Deborah B.
  • Inspiration:   Richard C.   
  • Birthday Song:   Mary B.  
  • 4-Way Test:   Bob J.  
Slate of Officers -- Elections have to be held by the end of the year.  Step up, Step up and join the fun and consider being a part of the Board, an Officer, or Committee Chair.  

Upcoming RCHB Meetings

  • Wednesday, December 9 --  Guest Speaker Dr. Clare Schnurr -- COVID
  • Wednesday, December 16 -- Guest speaker -- Dr. Yumiko Ohara
  • Wednesday, December 16 -- Board Meeting directly following the regular meeting.
  • Wednesday, December 23 -- Dark, Have a safe and blessed holiday.
  • Wednesday, December 30 -- Club General Assembly -- Vote on the slate of officers.
  • Wednesday, January 6 -- Guest Speaker is Tim Hansen -- RYLA

Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations

Email blasts this past week.

District Happenings

A series of D5000 Rotary webinars is available for your viewing, either live or recorded.  You can also find ton of webinars in the Learning Center at
D5000 Webinar Recordings:
Business Assistance webinar recording:

Mark Your Calendars

District Conference 2021

  • Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.
          The District is looking for volunteers to head up the decorations for the Conference.  If you are interested in being a part of the committee (or even leading the committee) please contact me.

Future Rotary International Conventions

  • Taipei: June 12-16, 2021
  • Houston: June 4-8, 2022



Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report

  • Volunteer opportunity  - Continuing through January, 2021  -- Junichi Noumaru

State Department of Health and UH Nursing request Rotarians to help for the face mask observation.
One or a pair of volunteers will count the number of people who (a) wear the mask correctly, (b) wear the mask in correctly and (c) don't wear the mask at a designated location from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturdays:
  • Prince Kuhio Plaza (Zippy's)
  • Airport Post Office
  • Target/Walmart/Safeway
  • Hilo Farmers Market
Since Saturday morning is a favorite time slot for webinars/meetings by D5000, the host is considering to widen the time frame in the Saturday afternoon.
The sign-up sheet :
If you have any question, please contact Dr. Glauberman (
  • School Project -- Tim Hansen

  • Tim reported that 19 boxes went out via USPS and other boxes are being sent by other club members.  There is a need for an additional $140 to cover all the costs for this project.  If anyone is interested in supporting the project financially, please send your contribution to RCHB, P.O. Box 11506, Hilo, HI  96721.  Tim acknowledged those that have supported the project with time, talent and treasure.
  • Holiday Social -- James Tyrin

Mark your calendars for December 13 for a lunch social via Zoom.  Plans are to exchange gifts and pick up a meal prior to the social.  Watch your email for details.
  • Presentation Check -- Curt Sharp

  • Alan Kusunoki, who is helping D5000 plan the District Conference in May 2021 is looking for volunteers to support the effort.  One of the areas of support that he is looking for is promoting and public relation activities to spread through Hilo that Rotary is coming to town.  If you are interested in support D5000 efforts with your time and talent, please contact Lorraine and she will forward information to Alan.
  • Tim H. reported that RYLA registration flyers are coming out and there is limited space for applicants.  Please contact Tim if you have questions.

Anniversaries between December 3 and December 9, 2020

Wedding Anniversary 

Tim Young (Leilani)  December 6

Club Anniversary 


Birthday -- Virginia Juettner

Marcia Sakai -- December 8
Pete Muller -- December 5




Happy Dollars

Keep your happy dollar donation in an envelope and bring it to the next in-person meeting, send a check to RCHB, PO Box 11506 or pay via credit card from our new online payment system: 

  • Bob J. is $10 happy.  He was able to listen to Jennifer Jones, incoming RI president in 2023.
  • Miyuki L. is $10 happy.  She is happy with Junichi's safe arrival in Japan and also for the holidsys.
  • Junichi N. is $10 happy.  He thanks Miyuki for her acknowledgement and also for Mike C. who will be our Zoom person while Junichi is in Japan.  He is in Japan for a month and it is the first time he has taken so much vacation time since he moved to Hilo 24 years ago.
  • Art T. was $5 happy.  He travelled to and from Honolulu and found the COVID testing a relatively smooth process.  Art answered club member questions about the testing.
  • Mary is $5 happy.  She thanked Miyuki for helping her with her Christmas gifts through her coffee distribution.
  • Marlene N. was $5 happy.  She is participating in a networking group and she is happy to report that they were able to give $100 to the Foodbasket.
  • Tim H. is $3 happy to announce that High Fire Hawaii is having a pottery sale this coming Saturday and some of his husband's, Kevin, work will be on sale.

Guest Speaker -- Dr. Clare Schnurr



Next Meeting

  • The next club meeting will be Wednesday, December 16, 2020.  Guest speaker will be Dr. Yumiko Ohara
  • The December Board of Directors meeting is immediately following the General Meeting.

The Four Way Test  -- Paula Uusitalo