- Pledge of Allegiance -- Paula Uusitalo
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Meeting Notes can be found here:
Recorded Meeting:
Published Presentation:
Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Paula Uusitalo
Introduction of Guests
Michelle Flemming -- Prospective Member
Janell Kuamoo -- Prospective Member
Karl Gutknecht -- from Wisconsin
Chalene Iboshi -- Guest Speaker
Announcements by the President
Email issue:
The email deluge from Alignment was not done with malice but it did result in club members getting email they did not want. Three things have happened over the last 36 hours:
- The contact list from the originator has been disabled.
- Junichi N. has changed the security settings on the group email so that any emails coming from outside the RCHB group email goes into a queue. Junichi is notified by Google that there is an email waiting his approval. He will serve as moderator and will determine if the email is appropriate to the group or not. Based on his decision, he will either forward or delete.
- To further protect the email of the club, notifications of members will be done separately from notification to guests and guest speakers so the club address will not be readily available to them.
As of this morning, there were no emails reported from Alignment nor did Junichi get any emails in the queue.
Moral of the story -- don't let anyone have access to your contact list!
The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.
- The notes from the January 27, 2021 RCHB meeting can be found here:
- The recording of the meeting can be found here:** Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist. Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.
Volunteers needed!
February 10, 2021 Meeting
- Pledge of Allegiance: Brian Lindsey
- Inspiration: Preston Barnes IV
- Birthday Song: Minions
- 4-Way Test: Deborah Beaver
Upcoming RCHB Meetings
- Wednesday, February 3 -- Guest Speakers are Charlene Iboshi and Tim Hansen
- Wednesday, February 10 -- Guest Speaker TBD
- Wednesday, February 17 -- Induction of New Members. Guest Speakers are DG Naomi Masuno and AG Doug Adams
- Wednesday, February 17 -- Board of Director's Meeting, immediately following the general meeting
- Wednesday, February 24 -- Guest Speaker is Patrick Kizehe, Founder of Giving Refugee Hope in Uganda
- Wednesday, March 3 -- Guest Speaker Michael Marshall, Art Department UHH on COVID Budget Cuts Impacts
- Wednesday, March 10 -- Guest Speaker is Barbara Kiernan, coordinator of a RI Project in Mexico
- Wednesday, March 17 -- Vocational Day, Guest Speaker TBD
- Wednesday, March 17 -- Board of Director's Meeting, immediately following the general meeting
- Wednesday, March 24 -- Guest Speaker TBD
- Wednesday, March 31 -- Guest Speaker TBD
- Wednesday, April 7 -- Maternal and Child Health Month, Guest Speaker is Terri Lum, East Hawaii Children's Justice Center
- Wednesday, April 14 -- Guest Speaker Past DG Win Shoneman -- Rotary Legacy
- Wednesday, April 21 -- Vocational Day, Guest Speaker is Misa Sato
- Wednesday, April 28 -- Guest Speaker TBD
Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations
Email blasts this past week.
District Happenings
A series of D5000 Rotary webinars is available for your viewing, either live or recorded. You can also find ton of webinars in the Learning Center at
D5000 Webinar Recordings:
Mark Your Calendars
District Conference 2021
- Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.
The District is looking for volunteers to head up the decorations for the Conference. If you are interested in being a part of the committee (or even leading the committee) please contact me.
Future Rotary International Conventions
- Taipei: June 12-16, 2021 - RI has decided that the convention is going virtual.
- Houston: June 4-8, 2022
Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report
Volunteer opportunity - COVID Vaccine Scheduling for DOH -- Sharon Scheele
HRYF -- Richard Cunningham
- Members were encouraged to vote for the wood for the box -- in the chat, 7 voted for Mango, 3 voted for Koa and 1 voted for other.
RYLA -- Tim Hansen
- Tim is looking for volunteers to deliver survival kits before the RYLA conference and pizza on the Saturday evening of the conference. The participants are located in East Hawaii. If you want to support RYLA's efforts and make deliveries to our participants, please contact Tim.
- Registration is still open and the grades available to apply now include all grades of high school.
Anniversaries between January 28 and February 3, 2021
Wedding Anniversary
Pete Muller (Roberta) -- February 1, 1964
Club Anniversary
Richard Cunningham - January 31, 1990 Sponsor was Brad Boisjolie
Anita Cunningham -- January 31
Jan Haraguchi-Abundo -- January 28
Happy Dollars
Keep your happy dollar donation in an envelope and bring it to the next in-person meeting, send a check to RCHB, PO Box 11506 or pay via credit card from our new online payment system: pay/ f12444a0473348a5b24ff79bc663be 77
Pete M. is $57 happy for 57 years of marriage. He is designating the dollars to HRYF.
Charlene I. is $10 happy for the Peace Pole project we have been helping with.
Lorraine D. is $20 happy. Junichi is her hero because of his help with the email snafu.
Preston B. IV is $10 happy because Rotary does good things.
Miyuki L. is $10 happy to see Charlene and for her new background.
Mary B. is $50 happy. Her cast came off and she can start physical therapy.
Junichi N. is $10 happy. Thank you for the compliment.
Virginia and Bob are $10 happy in hopes that the painting of their house will be done soon and they can move into the rest of their house.
Tom W. is $40 happy and sad. $20 because one of his sons recently moved to Oahu, has a new job and has become engaged. $20 sad because Pua Wong, daughter of Wally Wong was in an accident on Mauna Kea and is in critical condition. There is a go fund me page at: to support the family.
Guest Speaker -- Peace Month -- Charlene Iboshi and Tim Hansen
Contest Winner -- $50 Gift Certificate to KTA -- Courtesy Mike Carroll. And the Winner is: Mary B.
Next Meeting -- February 10, 2021, Guest Speaker TBD
Looking for guest speakers -- please contact Lorraine Davis if you have someone you know would be a good speaker for our club.
The Four Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Thank you for another great meeting!