- Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Deborah Beaver
Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
Introduction of Guests
Announcements by the President
The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.
- The notes from the October 28, 2020 RCHB meeting can be found here:
- And the video of the meeting can be found here:** Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist. Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.
Volunteers needed!
- Pledge of Allegiance: Sharon Scheele
- Inspiration: Geoli Ng
- Birthday Song: Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test: Tim Hansen
Upcoming Meetings
- Wednesday, November 4 -- Foundation Month. Guest speaker is Junichi Noumaru.
- Wednesday, November 11 -- Club Training Day. Guest speaker is PE Mike Carroll.
- Wednesday, November 18 -- Vocational Day. Guest speaker is Geoli Ng.
- Wednesday, November 18 -- Board of Director's Meeting directly after the general meeting.
- Thursday, November 19 -- Tentative Club Social.
- Wednesday, November 25 -- Dark. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
- Wednesday, December 2 -- Disease Prevention and Treatment Month -- Guest speaker is Dr. Jim Gude
- Wednesday, December 9 -- TBD
- Wednesday, December 16 -- Guest speaker -- Dr. Yumiko Ohara
- Wednesday, December 16 -- Board Meeting directly following the regular meeting.
- Wednesday, December 23 -- Dark, Have a safe and blessed holiday.
- Wednesday, December 30 -- Club General Assembly -- Vote on the slate of officers.
Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations
District Happenings
Mark Your Calendars
District Conference 2021
- Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.
Future Rotary International Conventions
- Taipei: June 12-16, 2021
- Houston: June 4-8, 2022
Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report
Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner.
- We have 7 iPads to donate; plants and other items on November 10. She recommends that we not do a drive by but find another activity to support the Veteran's Home at Thanksgiving.
District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Auction has closed and invoices have gone out to the winners of the auction items. Mary thanked RCHB members who contributed and bid on the auction.
Report on Drive By Birthday -- Tim Hansen
Volunteer opportunity - Continuing through November. -- Junichi Noumaru
Anniversaries between October 29 and November 4, 2020
Wedding Anniversary
Club Anniversary
Thank you for the combined 75 years of service to Rotary and thank you to the sponsors.
Happy Dollars
Virginia and Bob are $50 happy because they will celebrate 50 years of marriage on the 27th of November. Secrets to a long and happy marriage -- Virginia says to keep life interesting. Bob says to choose wisely. (Congratulations!)
Sharon S. is $20 happy because she will become a great-grandmother in April There are a couple of medical concerns but is happy about the baby. (Congratulations -- we hope you will keep us updated.)
Art is $10 happy. He acknowledged Tim and Irene's drive by birthday bash and that he has been asked to serve as honorary consul to Japan for another 5 years. (Congratulations!)
Tim is $5 happy. He work up to Mitch Roth as the new Hawaii Island mayor. He also announced that RYLA will be virtual this year and will be held February 26-27, 2021. More information to follow.
Guest Speaker -- Junichi Noumaru
Next Meeting
- The next club meeting will be Wednesday, November 11, Speaker is PE Mike Carroll.
The Four Way Test -- Mary Begier