- Pledge of Allegiance -- Dale Tokuuke
- Words of Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test -- Virginia Juettner
Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Dale Tokuuke
Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
Announcements by the President
The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.
- And the video of the meeting is located here for your viewing pleasure:
- Wednesday, August 19 -- Vocational Day. Guest speaker is Virginia Juettner. Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
- Wednesday, August 19 -- Board Meeting, immediately following the General Meeting. Will end at 9:00 am.
- Thursday, August 20 -- Club Social. 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Location Cronies. Please RSVP to James.
- Wednesday, August 26 -- Guest Speaker Connie Ichinose. Meeting start at 7:00 am.
- Wednesday, September 2 -- September is Rotary's Basic Education and Literacy Month. Guest Speaker Justina Acevedo-Cross, Hawaii Community Foundation. Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
- Wednesday, September 9 -- Guest Speaker is Jim Becker, Speaking on Global Telemedicine. Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
- Wednesday, September 16 -- Vocational Day. Guest speaker YuYok Pearring about Imiloa's Halau Lamaku Program. Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
- Thursday, September 17 -- Club Social, Location and Time, TBD.
- Wednesday, September 23 -- Guest Speaker is District Governor Naomi Masuno, Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
- Wednesday, September 23 -- Board Meeting, immediately following the General Meeting. Will end at 9:00 am.
- Wednesday, September 30 -- 5th Wednesday of the Month, General Assembly. Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations
District Happenings
Mark Your Calendars
- District Governor and Assistant Governor Visit - September 23, 2020
District Conference 2021
- Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.
Future Rotary International Conventions
- Taipei: June 12-16, 2021
- Houston: June 4-8, 2022
Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report
Monthly Social -- James Tyrin
Social is tomorrow, August 20 at Cronies, beginning at 5:00 pm. Please RSVP James if you plan to attend.
Other Chair Announcements
Anniversaries between August 13 and August 19, 2020
Wedding Anniversary
Club Anniversary
Happy Dollars
Barbara H. is $10 happy for being featured in the newspaper.
Virginia J. is $10 happy -- today's presentation is her first Zoom presentation.
Sharon S. is $5 happy -- Mika loved the program at Imiloa and encouraged anyone with children to consider enrolling their child in their Halau Lamaku Program.
Alan O. is $10 happy -- He had the first sighting of a kolea in his yard, he is winning the war with weeds in his yard and he finally was able to get a haircut.
Mary B. is $5 concerned. She shared that with COVID-19 mortgage companies have extended their time frame to closing to 45 days and it has put a different twist on how real estate transactions are progressing. It is a logistical nightmare.
Thank you everyone, for your generosity.
Vocational Day -- Guest Speaker -- Virginia Juettner
Next Meeting
- The next club meeting will be Wednesday, August 26 from 7 a.m. via Zoom. Guest Speaker Connie Ichinose. She is a fellow Hilo Rotarian and has been instrumental in bringing in new club members and retaining them. She will close out Membership month for us.
Additional Announcements
The Four Way Test -- Virginia Juettner