Announcements - James Tyrin announced that the Oktoberfest committee was meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd at 5:30 pm at his office on Kilauea.
- It was announced that U of H Hilo was having a Rotary Night on Sept. 7th when the Volleyball team plays. Mr. Anonymous more details please.
- Tim Hansen acknowledged that the volunteer activities at Queen Liliuokalani Gardens were weathered out but a new date will be up coming.
Guest Speaker Tim Hansen introduced Pomaika’i Bartolome from Mayor Roth’s office. She was quick to acknowledge a number of our Rotarians who were serving or had served on county boards and commissions. Ms. Bartolome is responsible for soliciting and vetting community members for the 36 county boards and commissions. - All of the successful applicants are selected by the Mayor and some, depending upon the overriding law, are approved by the county council.
- The terms for the boards and commissions can be 2, 3,or 5 years or the unserved term of a vacant seat.
- Each board or commission is an open meeting and recorded. All boards and commission are staffed by members of the respective department that is overseen and by legal counsel.
- Meetings are conducted in person and hybrid.
- To improve the county, diversity, equity and inclusion is sought on all boards and commissions.
For a list of all of the boards and commissions, their vacancies and an application go to: September Responsibilities Invocation & Door Prize Mary Begier 9/4 Mike Carroll. 9/11 Michelle Flemming. 9/18 Janell Kuamoo. 9/25
HBRC Meeting, Aug. 28, 2027
2024-09-02 10:00:00Z |
Announcements from 8/14: - District Conference early bird registration and discounted attendance fee, is in effect until Aug. 31. See the D 5000 website for details.
- Oktoberfest is fast approaching, and the committee is requesting that every Rotarian donate $100 in gift cards for the silent auction.
- Sharon Scheele wanted to thank everyone who purchased tickets for the Junior Achievement in the banquet. She was able to fill two tables for the event.
- Tim Hansen was looking for volunteers to work with the Queen Liliuokalani committee to restore the park on Saturday.
- Virginia Juettner announced that the DG reinstituted month report on the Maui Recovery Fund.
Speaker—Mike Miyakira We have all experienced going to a store that we have visited for years and seeing a sign that says out of business, closed or just an empty store. Why did a family-owned business that was a staple of the main street just disappear? According to Mike Miyakira only a very small percentage of family owner businesses survive into the fourth generation. Mike gave several reasons for this: - No succession planning
- Poor management and leadership
- Transitional issues coupled with poor policies or conflicts
- Lack of policies and agreements
- Lack of alignment on baseline questions
The Shidler Family Business Center at Manoa provides services to approximately 80 family owned businesses throughout the State of Hawaii. They offer individual business counseling along with an annual conference for all participants and materials. Services are focused on the successor generation—those who will take over the business in the future. Mike gave a great example of parents who gave their son the opportunity to manage the business and the son’s inability to do so because he did not realize that his parents were giving him the opportunity to exhibit his abilities. As in life and business, nothing is free. There is an annual, all inclusive, fee of $1,500 per business enrolled in the program. Chester Cabral won the weekly raffle! Is this the beginning of another streak for Chester? Meeting of August 28: Richard Cunningham will provide the inspiration for the meeting along with the raffle donation. The speaker will announced at the meeting.
August 21st Meeting
2024-08-25 10:00:00Z |
President Steven convened the meeting right at 7 am. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Alan Okinaka delivered the inspiration. He announced that the planning for Oktober Fest was progressing smoothly and restatede the request for Rotarians to donate $100 in prizes and or gifts for the silent auction. Sharon Scheele announced that there were only three tickets for Junior Achievement Hall of Fame banquent at $120 each. Please contact Sharon to reserve the remaing seats and to arrange for payment. Tim Hansen announced that there would be a work day at the Queen Liliuokalani Gardens on Saturday, August 24th starting at 8 am and ending at noon to rebuild some of the stone walls thin bamboo and other activities. Tim pointed out that the Gardens received a grant from Hilo Bay Rotary a few months ago. He then circulated a sign up sheet.
Opening Activities, August 14 2024
2024-08-14 10:00:00Z |
President Steven introduced his father, Anthony Sylvester who was the second generation of Sylvester's working on Mauna Kea. Since Anthony was well know to some of the members, we heard a number of comments about his sons face painting and about Anthony's parents commitment to 4H on the Big Island. President Steven also got a zinger in about his brother who is now the third generation working on Mauna Kea and his need to produce a four generation of Sylvesters working on the mountain. After all of this banter was over, Anthony started to explain what radion astronomy is, how it uses band width to measure everything from continental drift, sea level rise, the location of satellites, to examining black holes, the expansion of the universe, and so much more. Three radio telescope arrays located here, in New Mexico and West Virginia form one immense instrument through exacting syncronization. If you want more inforation, please refer to the Very Long Baseline Array handout. Just remember, if you get lost in the subject, it is just FM!
Guest Speaker, Anthony Sylvester
2024-08-14 10:00:00Z |
Next weeks inspiration and door prize will be from Alan Okinaka. The guest speaker will be Anthony Sylvester on Radio Astronomy.
August 14, 2024 Meeting
2024-08-10 10:00:00Z |
As I missed this meeting I have nothing to report. However, this is providing me with an opportunity to recruit a few Rotarians to assist with the Bulletin by recording the meetings. When I last did a club bulletin, we had three volunteers that agreed to record what happened at the last meeting. Each one did this for a month and passed it on to another Rotarian for a month and so on. It provided great continuity and provided some variety. I was fortunate to have a retired publisher of a book company, a retired dean of a medical school and a retired engineer to do the recording. They would hand me what they wrote or email it to me and I put in the bulletin. If you are interesed, please let me know. Oh, I do have something to report--74% of the members opened their newsletter!
July 31th Meeting
2024-08-04 10:00:00Z |
This week's speaker is District Govenor Ted Faigle who will be introduced by AG Beverly Heikes. This is a great opportuity for Rotarians to meet and greet the leader of District 5000 for this Rotary year. Inspiration will be provided by Virginia Juettner.
August 7, Announcements
2024-08-04 10:00:00Z |
Wendy Bothelo-Cortez, CEO of the Hilo YMCA got right to business explaining the Y's major program. To summarize, Wendy provided information on the gym, youth camps, the Family Visitation Program and two essential income producing activites, TSA Precheck and Field Check. The gym program is utilizied by 40% of its 5,000 members and opens at 4 am with an average of 40 people waiting to get in. It is drawing all age groups and has grown, in part, as a result of having shower facilities and a large number of gym classes each week. Get up, get sweaty, shower and go to work! A little like Hilo Bay Rotary Club but healthier. The YMCA runs camps for youngsters throughout the year. If school is not in session, there is a camp providing a number of activities for children. What was really interesting was that the YMCA promotes youth leadership through Junior Leaders who do everything from cleaning to running classes. One of the challenges of the camp program is the percentage of DOH mandated children. They present a lot of challenges to the staff but also opportunities. Wendy related the story of a young female who got caught vapping. The YMCA turned this incident into a positive by securing a two year grant to dissuade the use of vaps. The YMCA also runs the Family Visitation Center seven days a week to reunite parents and children who have suffered abuse. Wendy found that when utilizing kapuna instead of young workers, the program produced better results and lowers recidivism rates. Finally, she mentioned the TSA and Field Check programs. Field Check is finger priint driven background check for people working in fields requiring background checks. My assumption is that the YMCA receives a fee or commission from TSA and Field Check eventhough it was not mentioned in her presentation.
July 24th Speaker--Wendy Bothelo-Cortez
2024-07-25 10:00:00Z |
The meeting was lightly attended with only 18 members present along with AG Henkes and speaker Wendy Bethelo-Cortez. President Steve called the meeting to order and reviewed the announcements for the Volcano Run, July 27th, and asked Sharon Sheele to talk about the Junior Achievement Banquet on August 22nd. Art Taniguchi reported that there would be a peace service and activities the Hilo Hongwanji on August 4th at 9 am. Steve Useda, a Rotarian from Alaska, will be the featured speaker. After the service, there will activities to promote peace at Sanga Hall.
July 24, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-25 10:00:00Z |
Upxcoming Inspirations & Door Prizes July 17 Tim H. July 24 Alan O. July 31 Steven S. August 7 Bob J. August 14 Sandra WW. Meetings & Activities Mary Begier, Volcan Run Hydration Site, July 27th at 6 am. James Tyrin reported that the next Oktober Fest meeting would be held on Aug. 6th. The time will be 5:30 probably at his office. Dale Tokuuke, boxing at the Food Basket, August 8th. Sharon Scheele announced the Junior Achievement Banquent will be on August 22nd at the Arc.
July 24, 2024 Announcement
2024-07-22 10:00:00Z |
The July 17th meeting was attended by 22 Hilo Bay Rotarians. President Steve got the meeting rolling on time and he asked for announcements. Richard Cunningham started them off with a very interesting and provactive announcement. Someone in the Club asked him to investigate a scholarship for a nursig student and that they would fund it at $5,000. There was a call to from another Rotarian that they would match that amount! If this wasn't surprising enough, Richard then proposed that the HRYF contributions from the club members should be capped at $3,000 with the balance staying in the community since the members usually contributed between $5,000 and $6,000 per year. Alan Okinaka reported that he Miyuki Lee had decided to change the Membership Committee. Starting immediately all new members would be assigned to the Membership Committee not only to involve them in the club but to also learn what it was that attracted them to Hilo Bay Rotary. Virginia Juettner circulated the latest correspondence form Yu Yuk Pearring. James Tyrin reported that the next Oktober Fest meeting would be held on Aug. 6th. The time will be 5:30 probably at his office. Sharon Scheele announced the Junior Achievement Banquent will be on August 22nd at the Arc.
July 17, 2024 Annoucements
2024-07-22 10:00:00Z |
Virginia Juettner was our speaker in her capacity as the Club's Foundation Chair. He prsentation focused not on the Rotary Foundation but more on how Hilo Bay Rotary uses it funds for doing good in the community. Virginia distributed a small brochure which contained a number of questions. First, looking at projects conducted by the Club and grants, how do the fit in the 7 Avenues of Focus used by the Rotary Foudation. Members quickly listed at least one project or grant for each of the 7 Focus area. She also asked members how each of the listed projects fit into Maslow's Hierarchy of Need. As time was running short, Virginia quicklynran through some of the expectations of the Rotary Foundation and ways to target funding shuch as Polio Plus, Disaster Respong (Shelter Box USA) and Peace Centers.
July 17, 2024 Speaker
2024-07-22 10:00:00Z |
Installation Dinner 06-27-24
2024-06-14 10:00:00Z |
Community Grant Application
2024-04-19 10:00:00Z |
Oktoberfest 2023
Michelle Flemming
2023-08-23 10:00:00Z |
Oktoberfest Silence Auction
Junichi Noumaru
2022-10-03 10:00:00Z |
22nd Annual Oktoberfest
Junichi Noumaru
2022-09-23 10:00:00Z |
2021-10-20 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 49th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- D'Andrea Pelletier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-6-23
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-27 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 49th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- D'Andrea Pelletier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-6-23
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-22 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 48th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Art Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Tim Hansen
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-6-16
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-21 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 48th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Art Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Tim Hansen
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-6-16
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 47th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Janell Kuamoo
- Words of Inspiration -- Barbara Hastings
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-6-9
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-09 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 47th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Janell Kuamoo
- Words of Inspiration -- Barbara Hastings
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-6-9
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 46th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- William Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Miyuki Lee
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Barbara Hastings
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-6-2
Lorraine Davis
2021-06-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 45th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Janell Kuamoo
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-5-26
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-31 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 46th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- William Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Miyuki Lee
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Barbara Hastings
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-6-2
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-31 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 45th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Janell Kuamoo
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-5-26-2021
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-25 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 44th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Miyuki Lee
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-5-19
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-21 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 43rd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Preston Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Marlene Norton
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Mike Carroll
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-5-5
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 42nd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Toby Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Virginia Juettner
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-4-28
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 43rd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Preston Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Marlene Norton
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Mike Carroll
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-5-5
Lorraine Davis
2021-05-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 44th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Miyuki Lee
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-5-19
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-26 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 42nd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Toby Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Virginia Juettner
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-4-28
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-26 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 41st Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- Art Taniguchi
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-4-21
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 41st Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- Art Taniguchi
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-4-21
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 40th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tim Hansen
- Words of Inspiration -- Janell Kuamoo
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test --Mike Carroll
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-4-14
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 40th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tim Hansen
- Words of Inspiration -- Janell Kuamoo
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test --Mike Carroll
Meeting Notes can be found here: Recorded Meeting: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-4-14
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-13 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 39th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tom Whitthans
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Sharon Scheele
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-4-7
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-10 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 39th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 April is Rotary's Maternal and Child Health Month - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tom Whitthans
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Sharon Scheele
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-4-7
Lorraine Davis
2021-04-06 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Lorraine Davis
Agenda -- 38th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Deborah Beaver
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Mary Begier
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-3-31
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-31 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Lorraine Davis
Agenda -- 38th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Deborah Beaver
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Mary Begier
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-3-31
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-27 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 37th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Art Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-3-24
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-27 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 37th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Art Taniguchi
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Agenda 2021-3-24
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-22 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 36th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-3-17
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-22 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 36th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Meeting Notes can be found here:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-3-17
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 35th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Meeting Notes can be found here:
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-3-10
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-07 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 35th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-3-10
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-07 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 34th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Brian Lindsey
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-3-3
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-07 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 34th Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Brian Lindsey
RCHB Meeting Agenda -- 2021-3-3
Lorraine Davis
2021-03-02 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 33rd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-2-24
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-24 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 33rd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-2-24
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-17 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 32nd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Steve Jacunski
- Words of Inspiration -- Barbara Hastings
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Tim Hansen
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-2-17
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-17 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 32nd Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Barbara Hastings
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Tim Hansen
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-2-17
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda -- 31st Meeting of RCHB for Rotary Year 2020-2021 - Pledge of Allegiance -- Bryan Lindsey
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes IV
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-2-10
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Bryan Lindsey
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes IV
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
Meeting Notes can be found here: Published Presentation: TBA
RCHB Agenda 2020-2-10
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-04 10:00:00Z |

The Rotary Club of Hilo Bay donated $576 to the YWCA of Hawaii Island’s Developmental Preschool on January 13, 2021. The preschool will use the funds, which came from a district grant, to purchase school supplies. COVID-19 reopening regulations require limited sharing of supplies among the students, so parents were asked to provide basic supplies for their children. The items that will be purchased will replace those provided by parents when needed. The preschool currently has 55 children who are attending under the new guidelines. Photo Shown, from left to right: Michelle Flemming, YWCA preschool director; Anita Cunningham, public relations chair, Rotary Club of Hilo Bay; Lorraine Davis, chief operating officer of the YWCA of Hawaii Island and president of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay; Curt Sharp, international services chair, Rotary Club of Hilo Bay and Kathleen McGilvray, chief executive officer of the YWCA of Hawaii Island.
Rotary Club of Hilo Bay donates money to YWCA
2021-02-04 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Paula Uusitalo
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-2-3
Lorraine Davis
2021-02-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Paula Uusitalo
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Meeting Notes can be found here:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-2-3
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-27 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tim Hansen
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Meeting Notes can be found here:
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-1-27
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-27 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Meeting Notes can be found here:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-1-27
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-24 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Virginia Juettner
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Published Presentation: None
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-1-20
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-24 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Virginia Juettner
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-1-20
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-18 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes IV
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation:
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-1-13
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-18 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes IV
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-1-13
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-11 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation:
RCHB Meeting Notes 2021-01-06
Lorraine Davis
2021-01-11 10:00:00Z |
HRYF is accepting applications for the 2021 scholarship now!
Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation
2021-01-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation: TBD
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-12-30
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-29 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Dr. Yumiko Ohara
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation: TBD
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-12-16
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-28 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tom Witthans
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- School Project -- Tim Hansen
- Holiday Social -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Dr. Clare Schnurr
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation: TBD
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-12-09
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-14 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Preston Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Paula Uusitalo
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Barbara Hastings
Recorded Meeting: Recorded Meeting: TBD Published Presentation:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2021-1-6
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-04 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Tom Witthans
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- School Project -- Tim Hansen
- Holiday Social -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Dr. Clare Schnurr
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
Recorded Meeting:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-12-9
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-02 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- Paula Uusitalo
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- School Project -- Tim Hansen
- Holiday Social -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Dr. James Gude
- 4-Way Test -- Art Taniguchi
Recorded Meeting:
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-12-02
Lorraine Davis
2020-12-02 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Rotary Foundation -- Junichi Noumaru
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Geoli Ng
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-11-18
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-29 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- Paula Uusitalo
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- School Project -- Tim Hansen
- Holiday Social -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Dr. James Gude
- 4-Way Test -- Art Taniguchi
Recorded Meeting:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-12-02
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-16 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Rotary Foundation -- Junichi Noumaru
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Geoli Ng
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
Recorded Meeting:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-11-18
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-16 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Sharon Scheele
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Rotary Foundation -- Junichi Noumaru
- Monthly Social, Work Day -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Tim Hansen
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-11-11
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-11 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Sharon Scheele
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Rotary Foundation -- Junichi Noumaru
- Monthly Social, Work Day -- James Tyrin
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Tim Hansen
Recorded Meeting:
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-11-11
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-11-04
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Paula Uusitalo
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-11-04
Lorraine Davis
2020-11-03 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Halloween with Boys and Girls Club -- Junichi Noumaru
- Global Grants - Junichi Noumaru, Chester Cabral, Curt Sharp
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-10-28
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-28 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Preston Barnes
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Halloween with Boys and Girls Club -- Junichi Noumaru
- Global Grants - Junichi Noumaru, Chester Cabral, Curt Sharp
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-10-28
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-21 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Halloween with Boys and Girls Club -- Junichi Noumaru
- Global Grants - Junichi Noumaru, Chester Cabral, Curt Sharp, Jim Becker
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
RCHB Meeting Notes -- 2020-10-21
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-21 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Halloween with Boys and Girls Club -- Junichi Noumaru
- District Auction -- Mary Begier
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Vocational Speaker Misa Saito
- 4-Way Test -- Geoli Ng
RCHB Meeting Agenda -- 2020-10-21
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Richard Cunningham
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Kalika Kastein
- 4-Way Test -- Yu Yok Pearring
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-10-14
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-14 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Marlene Norton
- Words of Inspiration -- Mike Carroll
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Kalika Kastein
- 4-Way Test -- Yu Yok Pearring
RCHB Meeting Agenda -- 2020-10-14
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-12 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Doug Adams, Assistant Governor
- 4-Way Test -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-10-07
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Doug Adams, Assistant Governor
- 4-Way Test -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-10-07
Lorraine Davis
2020-10-06 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Steve Jacunski
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Jennifer Schack, Regional Director of Community Outreach in Hawaii with the ALS Association Golden West Chapter.
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-09-30
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-28 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Steve Jacunski
- Words of Inspiration -- Mary Begier
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Jennifer Schack, Regional Director of Community Outreach in Hawaii with the ALS Association Golden West Chapter.
- 4-Way Test -- Bob Juettner
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-09-30
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-28 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Steve Jacunski
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Naomi Masuno, District Governor
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-09-23
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-23 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Steve Jacunski
- Words of Inspiration -- Geoli Ng
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Naomi Masuno, District Governor
- 4-Way Test -- Bryan Lindsey
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-09-23
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Virginia Juettner
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Yu Yok Pearring
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-09-16
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-19 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Virginia Juettner
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Yu Yok Pearring
- 4-Way Test -- Deborah Beaver
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-09-16
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Jim Becker
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
RCHB Meeting Notes - 2020-09-09
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-07 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Jim Becker
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-09-09
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-07 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Justina Acevedo-Cross, Hawaii Community Foundations
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-09-02
Lorraine Davis
2020-09-02 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Justina Acevedo-Cross, Hawaii Community Foundations
- 4-Way Test -- Richard Cunningham
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-09-02
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-31 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mike Carroll
- Words of Inspiration -- Richard Cunningham
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- HRYF - Richard Cunningham
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Connie Ichinose
- 4-Way Test -- Marlene Norton
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-08-26
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-26 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Dale Tokuuke
- Words of Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test -- Virginia Juettner
RCHB Meeting Agenda -- 2020-08-19
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-17 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Dale Tokuuke
- Words of Inspiration -- Sharon Scheele
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test -- Virginia Juettner
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-08-19
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-17 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Virginia Juettner
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Ruth Sanchez, Project C.U.R.E. in Arizona, introduction by Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test -- Mary Begier
1. Club meeting including the guest presentation This video is unlisted - only those who know the link can watch.
RCHB Meeting Notes 2020-08-12
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-12 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Mary Begier
- Words of Inspiration -- Virginia Juettner
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Ruth Sanchez, Project C.U.R.E. in Arizona, introduction by Virginia Juettner
- 4-Way Test -- Emmeline de Pillis
RCHB Meeting Agenda 2020-08-12
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-10 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Lorraine Davis
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Sharon Scheele
- 4-Way Test -- Sharon Scheele
You can watch this meeting on YouTube.
Club Meeting Notes - August 5, 2020
Lorraine Davis
2020-08-05 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Lorraine Davis
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Sharon Scheele
- 4-Way Test -- Sharon Scheele
RCHB Meeting Agenda - 2020-08-05
Lorraine Davis
2020-07-30 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Preston Barnes IV
- Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
- Introduction of guests
- Announcements by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- General Assembly
- Rotary Moment
- Board Decisions
- Zoom vs. In Person Meetings
- Oktoberfest
- Door Prizes
- 4-Way Test - Preston Barnes IV
RCHB Club Meeting Notes - 2020-07-29
Lorraine Davis
2020-07-29 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Curt Sharp
- Words of Inspiration -- Virginia Juettner
- Introduction of guests
- Announcements by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Alan Okinaka
- 4-Way Test
RCHB Club Meeting Notes - 20200722
Lorraine Davis
2020-07-26 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Deborah Beaver
- Words of Inspiration -- Deborah Beaver
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Vocational Day -- Guest Speaker is Miyuki Lee
- 4-Way Test -- Miyuki Lee
Club Meeting Notes 7-15-2020
Lorraine Davis
2020-07-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance -- Barbara Hastings
- Words of Inspiration -- Lorraine Davis
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Speaker -- Mike Carroll on Rotary Meetings and Who Is Counting?
- 4-Way Test -- Tim Hansen
RCHB Meeting Notes July 8, 2020
Lorraine Davis
2020-07-08 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Acknowledgements
- Happy Dollars
- Vocational Program
RCHB Meeting Notes July 1, 2020
2020-07-01 10:00:00Z |
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Vocational Program
Notes of the online meeting on June 17, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-06-17 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Discussion - Oktoberfest and 501(c)(3) foundation
Notes of the online meeting on June 10, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-06-14 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Vote of 2020-2021 officers, directors and committee chair
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest talk by Chad Keone Farias, the superintendent for the Ka'u-Keaau-Pahoa complex
Notes of the online meeting on June 3, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-06-05 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
Notes of the online meeting on May 27, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-27 10:00:00Z |
A letter from Rotary Club La Serena Oriente
2020-05-26 10:00:00Z |
Card from Hawaii Rise Foundation 20200427
2020-05-22 10:00:00Z |
Letter from YWCA 20200417
2020-05-22 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest Talk by Julie Mitchell, Executive Director of Ku'ikahi Mediation Center
Meeting on Video
Notes of the online meeting on May 20, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-21 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
Notes of the online meeting on May 13, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-13 10:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Hilo Bay received a letter from Hilo Medical Foundation dated April 30, 2020 that thanked us for donating masks.
Letter from Hilo Medical Center, April 30, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-12 10:00:00Z |
An email with attached pictures received from President of Higashihiroshima Rotary Club, Masahiko Aratani on May 10, 2020
The email from Higashihiroshima Rotary Club
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-12 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest presentation: Sara Cunningham
Notes of the online meeting on May 6, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-05-05 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Club Assembly
The video of the club meeting is available on . Sorry the recording start a few minutes after the president's report started. Click "Read more ..." for connection info
Notes of the online meeting on April 29, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-04-29 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest presentation: Kala Van Veen, our HRYF scholarship recipient
Click "Read more ..." for connection info
Notes of the online meeting on April 15, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-04-15 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Guest presentation: Dr. Walter Dudley from Pacific Tsunami Museum
Click "Read more ..." for connection info
Notes of the online club meeting on April 8, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-04-08 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Inspiration
- Introduction of guests
- Announcement by the President
- Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
- Anniversaries
- Happy Dollars
- Bring your idea: District Grant and Rotary International Disaster Relief Grant for COVID-19 Relief, and how to use $400 from D5000
Click "Read more ..." for connection info
Notes of the online club meeting on April 1, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-04-01 10:00:00Z |
Dear Rotarians, Please join me and enjoy our club meeting on Wednesday, March 25. Here's the info so you can connected to Zoom. If you are not familiar with Zoom, please read the attached instructions about how to connect your device.
Notes of the online club meeting on March 25
Junichi Noumaru
2020-03-25 10:00:00Z |
Agenda - Guest Speaker
- Guests
- Announcements by President
- Announcements, Director/Committee Chair report
- Wedding and Club Anniversaries and Birthdays through March 25
- New members
- Happy dollars
- Next meeting
Club meeting on March 25, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-03-22 10:00:00Z |
Dear members, Our club operation has been largely affected by COVID-19. The regular, in-person meeting has been suspended until May 8 and will be replaced with the online meeting. As many businesses and government services shrink, and as people are asked to stay home, those who need help will increase. What our club can offer should be a lot and we have no time to hibernate. Please join the online meeting and stay connected to the members. |
President's message March 21, 2020
Junichi Noumaru
2020-03-22 10:00:00Z |
Every year, Rotary Club of Hilo Bay donates books to the recipients of High Flyer and Rainbow Pride Award at Hilo Union Elementary School. The Rotarians presented a book to the award recipients of pre-school to 2nd grade on March 12, 2020 and of 3rd to 5th grades on March 13, 2020.
Rainbow Pride Award Presentation
Junichi Noumaru
2020-03-12 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Dec 09, 2019
Rotarians at Rotary Club of Hilo Bay helped a fundraising event called "Light Up A Life" for Hawaii Care Choices on December 7, 2019 in front of Ladies' Macy's at Prince Kuhio Plaza.
Light Up A Life
Junichi Noumaru
2019-12-09 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Dec 04, 2019
Our club has donated and distributed dictionaries to the third graders in Waiakeawaena Elementary School, Waiakea Elementary School and Hilo Union Elementary School. Our club will distribute dictionaries to the fourth graders in Ka Umeke Kaeo.
Dictionary Project
Junichi Noumaru
2019-12-04 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Anita Cunningham on Nov 20, 2019
Members of four East Hawaii Rotary Clubs erected a Peace Pole on Oct. 19 along the walkway at Kuhio Kalanianaole Park in Hilo. “Let peace prevail on Earth” is written in several languages on the pole. This installation of the Peace Pole was unique as it had been touched by the visiting Open World delegation from Russia. The delegation visit and Peace Pole project was explained as part of Rotary peace committee’s workshop “Let’s Work It Out” series on Oct. 18. The Open World’s visit changed the thinking of many about how we can pursue peace through simple acts of sharing. The OW program brings current and future leaders from post-Soviet countries to the United States so they may observe professionals in the U.S. and get a firsthand look at the American system of democracy and free enterprise. The Open World delegates were engineers and professors that met their counterparts at the University of Hawaii-Hilo and visited the energy research labs in Kona. They were shown many technologies, including biofuels, they had never seen before. The delegate from the Kamchatka region of Russia presented a slide show of an advanced geothermal plant where he worked. Host families, Rotarians and delegates learned about food, songs, customs, education and cultural norms in each country during two hosted dinners. The delegates exp erienced Rotary in both countries and will be speakers at the Russian clubs. They will also be asked to host visiting Rotarians from Hawaii on the friendship exchange. Coordinators in Hawaii and Russia are planning additional joint projects and exchanges.
Rotarians host Russian delegation, install Peace Pole
Anita Cunningham
2019-11-20 10:00:00Z |
Thank you very much for all the volunteers, sponsors and all who attended our Oktoberfest
2019-10-14 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Oct 06, 2019
Important thing comes first. There is no club meeting on Wednesday, October 9. If you come to HYC then, no one would welcome you. Thank you so much for pouring your time, talent, expertise and passion into Oktoberfest. I convince most guests enjoyed beer, food, wine, music and distinct atmosphere.
Thank you Rotarians for your hard work for Oktoberfest
Junichi Noumaru
2019-10-06 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 24, 2019
Saturday, September 14, from 5 p.m. At Hilo Municipal Golf Course The cost is $20 per person. Please pay at the club meetings. This is a casual meeting and guests are welcome.
The joint meeting with DG Eric Kaler - Sat. Sept. 14, 2019
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-24 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 22, 2019
August 22, 2019 Junichi Noumaru stopped by at the open table by The Rotaract Club of East Hawaii (UH Hilo) where the president, the vice president and the secretary were promoting the club to the fellow students. As of my visit, 27 students signed up to join the club. The club does activities almost every weekend. Good job!
The Rotaract of Club of East Hawaii
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-22 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 22, 2019
There is no club meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 to gain much attendance to the East Hawaii joint club meeting with District Governor Eric Kaler on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 5 p.m. at Municipal Golf Course in Hilo.
It is dark on September 11, 2019
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-22 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 19, 2019
Steve Yoshida and Charlene Iboshi are looking for Rotarians who can host participants to Open World Program from Russia for three nights on September 27, 28 and 29.
Open World Program
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-19 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 19, 2019
July 31, 2019 - Club Assembly This week's guest speaker was Del Green, former District Governor and member of Rotary Club of Downtown Honolulu. He was the D5000's representative to the 2019 Council on Legislation and keep us up to date about what's going on at Council on Legislature and about how we need to update our by-laws. Del is also the chair of Rotary International 2020 Convention in Hawaii. Some major takeaways of his presentation were for rotarians to have perfect engagement rather than perfect attendance, dues will continually increase $1/year, and make-up meetings have been extended to within one year.
2019 Rotary Council on Legislature and 2020 Rotary International Convention in Honolulu
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-19 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 19, 2019
July 24, 2019 This week's guest speaker was Keith Okamoto, Manager-Chief Engineer of the County of Hawaii Department of Water Supply. Keith is also the most recent past-President of the Hilo Rotary Club. Keith noted that he was more nervous than usual when giving this presentation due to the fact two of our club members in attendance, David DeLuz Jr. and Julie Hugo are current members of the Water Board, while Art Taniguchi, also in attendance, is a former Chairperson of the Water Board.
Got clean tap water?
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-19 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 19, 2019
July 17, 2019 Past District Governor and the charter member of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay Peter Muller talked his story exclusively to our members.
Peter Muller
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-19 10:00:00Z |
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Aug 17, 2019
Immediate past president David De Luz, Jr. offered me (Junichi Noumaru) to talk at the Galaxy Forum held by International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA) on August 17, 2019. The theme of the forum was "Astronomy from the Moon, and Hawaii 21st Century Business & Education Communities." Steve Durst, the founding director of ILOA introduced the project and told that the International Lunar Observatory or ILO-1 will be launched and will be landed to the south pole of the moon soon. I learned the Rotary helped build the ILOA's office building in Waimea.
Galaxy Forum presented by International Lunar Observatory Association
Junichi Noumaru
2019-08-17 10:00:00Z |
Tables and individual tickets are on sale, and selling briskly for the 20th anniversary Oktoberfest, Rotary Club of Hilo Bay's major fund- fun- and friend- raising event Friday evening, Oct. 4, 2019 at Sangha Hall (398 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo) . This evening of food, music, auctions, and contests raises funds that help Rotary International eradicate polio as well as fund community service projects in East Hawaii. The public is invited. Talk to a Hilo Bay Rotarian for tickets. Or buy online at
20th Annual Oktoberfest!
2019-08-14 10:00:00Z |
Secret of Maunakea, Secret of Subaru - Three anecdotes
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Jul 10, 2019
July 10, 2019 Kyoji Nariai is the Professor Emeritus at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Dr. Nariai is the astronomer whose research fields are astronomical optics and stellar astrophysics. His carrier as the researcher started with the assistant at Tokyo Astronomical Observatory (TAO) of Univ. of Tokyo. He became the professor at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in 1989. He frequently visited Hilo since then and became the Director of the Hilo Office of the Japan National Large Telescope or JNLT project in 1992. Since then, he lived in Hilo and made coordinations for the construction of JNLT with the local government and the contractors. Also he made really good relationship with local community. He became the vice director of Subaru Telescope in 1997 and retired NAOJ in 1998. Now he enjoys his retirement life without obligation.
Secret of Maunakea, Secret of Subaru - Three anecdotes
Junichi Noumaru
2019-07-10 10:00:00Z |
Biking Expedition
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Jul 03, 2019
July 3, 2019 Douglass Adams is HHSC Corporate Board Member. He spoke about his biking expedition he did right after he retired and relating his experiences. Doug is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from West Point, his Master’s degree from National Intelligence University, and his JD from Antonin Scalia Law School. He is currently chair of the Hawaii County Charter Commission, vice-chair of W.H. Shipman Ltd., chair-elect of the Boys and Girls Club of Big Island, and board president of Kuikahi Mediation Center. The East Hawaii Region representative to the Corporate Board, Doug serves as chair of the Finance and Information Systems Committee and on the Audit and Compliance Committee.
Biking Expedition
Junichi Noumaru
2019-07-03 10:00:00Z |
Conversational Partners
Posted by Junichi Noumaru on Jun 21, 2019
June 21, 2019 Rotarians Steven Jacunski, Richard Cunningham, Mike Carroll, Marlene Norton and Junichi Noumaru participated in the Conversational Partners at the Hawaii Community College on June 21, 2019. Rotarians mingled with international students in an IEP class and made conversations with them. Some students just arrived from their country to Hilo a couple weeks ago and study hard to improve their English skills.
Conversational Partners
Junichi Noumaru
2019-06-21 10:00:00Z |
Hawaiian Ethos
Hawaiian Ethos, one of eight statewide licensees for medical marijuana, has as its mission to provide Hawaii Island safe and reliable access to cannabis medicine through evidence-based treatment choices. Zachary Taffany, COO, and Kea Keolanui, marketing, of Hawaiian Ethos educated our club members who have a 1960s perception of marijuana. In Hawaii, the licensee does everything from growing, creating products, and dispensing. This vertical integration provides an opportunity to track the performance of its products and improve. Hawaiian Ethos intends to fully leverage this opportunity with a secure feedback app for patients to share their results. Hawaiian Ethos is led by CEO Bill Richardson together with a Stanford scientist, Vernon Oi, and medical doctor, Dr. Stacie Kerr, MD. The anticipated opening is January 2018. There will be two locations, Hilo and Kona. Retail price is about $250/ounce ($15/gram). The dispensaries will look like a pharmacy. the products will have lab testing results on the labels for potency, pesticides, and other required information. Currently, caregivers can grow for themselves and patients. DOH has indicated phasing out the caregiver program in favor of dispensaries.
Hawaiian Ethos
2017-10-15 10:00:00Z |
Are There Aliens?
Exoplanets are planets beyond our own solar system. Thousands have been discovered in the past two decades. The discovery of these worlds is one of the hottest topics in astronomy today. As explained by Professor Michtoshi Yoshida, director of Subaru Telescopes, Subaru is actively engaged in detecting conditions similar to earth that could support life, such as water. The initial research is premised on alien life requiring similar conditions as life on earth; but that is not to rule out that aliens could exist supported by conditions different from life on earth.
Are There Aliens?
2017-09-23 10:00:00Z |
Jay Curlee: A Personal Journey
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.—Forrest Gump Jay Curlee, one of our club's charter members, left Rotary several years ago to Texas. He left uncharacteristically without explanation to his fellow members. He was here today to explain. And we are all better people because of Jay's willingness to share.
Jay Curlee: A Personal Journey
2017-09-16 10:00:00Z |
Networks Past, Current, & Future for Big Island and State
Hawaiian Telcom has invested significant infrastructure that positions Hawaii for the future. Bryan L. introduced Jason Thune, who explained the deployment of broadband fiber optics to serve the rural underserved areas of the Big Island and undersea cable projects connecting us to the mainland and beyond.
Networks Past, Current, & Future for Big Island and State
2017-09-02 10:00:00Z |
Introduction to Adaptive Optics
Mary Begier heard a speaker explain the complex in simple terms-- just right for us Rotarians. Tapping the bountiful knowledge of our treasured UH-Hilo, we were enlightened on the topic of how astronomers peer into the universe. Christoph Baranec is an Assistant Astronomer with the Institute for Astronomy. The hot and cold air mixing in our atmosphere causes a blurring effect, much like cold fresh water mixing with warmer ocean water. Christoph has pioneered a completely robotic telescope, called AO-Robotics, that uses adaptive optics to correct and sharpen the focus of celestial objects. Adaptive optics uses a laser shot toward the star or other object to determine the light scatter. This feedback then manipulates a deformable mirror to produce a sharper image. The potential applications of this technology to other fields are just being explored, such as thick tissue imaging or optometry.
Introduction to Adaptive Optics
2017-08-16 10:00:00Z |
Ike Wai, Water Knowledge
Matthew Platz is a Vice Chancellor for Academic affairs at UH-Hilo. A native of New York city, he has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Yale University and has won awards in distinguished teaching and research. Matt's research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). UH is fortunate to have been selected by NSF as one of a few selected states to participate in NSF's Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). One of Hawaii's EPSCoR projects is Ike Wai, a project to advance the state of knowledge of "blue gold", our precious water resources. At the UH-Hilo, Ike Wai research occurs on the Mookini Library 3rd floor. There is a large high resolution screen to view data collaboratively. The research challenge is data mining. UH-Hilo will soon offer a Data Science certificate to prepare students in this emerging field of opportunity. Internship opportunities are available in the natural and social sciences to address the history of water usage and policies, water security, and water quality.
Ike Wai, Water Knowledge
2017-08-09 10:00:00Z |
The Guy Who Never Changed-- Richard Cunningham
When Richard showed up in long pants, you knew something was up. Lorraine introduced Richard as our vocational speaker for this month. From an early age, Richard was drawn to three things that he still does today-- woodworking, tennis, and entrepreneurship. Now in his 40th year in business, Richard graced us with his humor and words of wisdom.
The Guy Who Never Changed-- Richard Cunningham
2017-08-07 10:00:00Z |
Small Business Development Center-- Untapped Resources
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a free service to help businesses, probably the only thing government does for business. It is funded one-half by the feds and the other half by the State. It is attached to UH-Hilo and located in the American Savings Bank building, Suite 109. The State office is located in Hilo. Kim introduced the speaker as a business therapist. Judi Mellon, Ph.D., center director and former marine, described the range of services offered to start-ups as well as existing businesses.
Small Business Development Center-- Untapped Resources
2017-07-29 10:00:00Z |
Kupu & Hospice Care: Community-Based Palliative Care Programs
Immortal we are not, so it's a blessing to know we have an exceptional service through the Hospice of Hilo to ease our pain and emotional stress when our time comes. Lani Weigert, Clinical Relations Manager, explained a new program that started in April 2016 called Kupu Care that fills a gap for assistance before a patient needs hospice care. Kupu Care focuses on relief, serves patients seeking a cure, and can be provided for years. Hospice care focuses on comfort, is available for those no longer seeking a cure with a life expectancy of 6 months or less. Without Kupu Care, daily episodes of pain may not be effectively treated or a person may die from depression. Lani described this new program, who qualifies, and how it is paid for.
Kupu & Hospice Care: Community-Based Palliative Care Programs
2017-07-25 10:00:00Z |
Rat Lungworm Disease-- State of Knowledge
With the pervasiveness of slugs and rats, we all face the risks of becoming infected by the rat lungworm disease (RLWD). Sue Jarvi, Ph.D., professor at the UH Hilo College of Pharmacy, founded the Hawaii Island Rat Lungworm Working Group in 2012. They have made considerable progress in promoting prevention of RLWD through education and outreach, research on infection levels in slugs and rats, exposure levels in humans, prevention through vaccination, and improvement in diagnosing the disease in humans.
Rat Lungworm Disease-- State of Knowledge
2017-07-16 10:00:00Z |
Hitachi- Breadth and Vision of a Global Corporation
Hitachi means "sunrise". Robert Mohan, Ph.D., mechanical and systems engineer, enlightened us with a glimpse of how a large global corporation plans 100 years into the future seeking to make ever more useful products. Bob also mentioned that Hitachi is working to bring its presence to the Big Island where a major project could offer opportunities to experience, learn, train, educate, and work with Hitachi.
Hitachi- Breadth and Vision of a Global Corporation
2017-07-05 10:00:00Z |
Club Assembly-- Incoming President Dale Tokuuke
Dale announced that one of the July social events would be in lieu of other installation activities. Dale introduced members of his team who were present to preview the year ahead. Club Service, Mike Carroll – - Monthly social events at Cronies on July 13, Aug. 10, Sept. 14 – all from 4:00 to about 6:30. - Looking for venue ideas for Christmas Party. Place & Caterer need to be booked soon. - Keaau H.S. Interact Club. The club meets at noon on Wednesdays. Mike, Sharon, Alan, and Mike have taken turns with club advisor Christopher Ho to attend the meetings. The club has over 100 members. HRYF, Richard Cunningham –. This year our club gave $6300 and was fifth in the district. Program Committee, Roy Takemoto – - The committee arranges for speakers, maintains the web page, and puts out the newsletter - He needs at least 2 more committee members or will have sign up sheets for volunteers to take photos or notes at each meeting - Discussion of ways to improve the newsletter. Two primary suggestions: 1. That there be a sign-up sheet for individuals to take notes each week. 2. That there be cards on the table so people giving Happy Dollars can write down the “411.” Membership, Katie Lambert – will continue to have the club socials where members encouraged to bring prospective members Fundraising, Kim Keahiolalo – open to creative or tested fundraising ideas. Club Trainer, Julie Hugo has been our club trainer. It was a 3 year term. Mary Bergier will follow up to see if we can have more activities.
Club Assembly-- Incoming President Dale Tokuuke
2017-06-24 10:00:00Z |
Getting to Know Steven Sylvester, Our Newest Member.
Steven graduated from Waiakea High School, UH Manoa Shindler Business School with major in finance. He worked on campus as a tour guide. He was also a competitive boxer. For his career path, he interned at Bank of Hawaii. Beyond work, he can legally officiate at weddings, likes sky diving, modeled for Honolulu magazine. Now employed as Manager at Bank of Hawaii KTA branch.
Getting to Know Steven Sylvester, Our Newest Member.
2017-06-17 10:00:00Z |
Highlights of visit to the Rotary Club of Higashi-Hiroshima
Club member and native Japanese, Miyuki Lee, organized the highlights of the trip to visit the Rotary Club of Higashi-Hiroshima: - Katie talked about the first day and the tour of a pottery factory.
- Dale talked about the formal program.
- Chester talked about dinner after formal program and then the stay at a farm house and visiting a tea house.
- Yok talked about program, bowing, to flags then bowing to audience.
- Mike talked about the cultural presentation after dinner and the dragon dance.
Highlights of visit to the Rotary Club of Higashi-Hiroshima
2017-06-11 10:00:00Z |
Au Revoir
Peace spreads one by one as foreigners become friends. Rotary's youth exchange program is based on that precept. Our exchange student this year, Mathis Bergay from France, reported on his year. There is hope in the world with youth like Mathis.
Au Revoir
2017-06-04 10:00:00Z |
Legislative Session Report
This year's session was full of drama if not results. We were fortunate to have Senator Kai Kahele give us a timely report on this year's ups ad downs.
Legislative Session Report
2017-05-27 10:00:00Z |
10 things the military taught me that apply universally
Mike Carroll, retired Colonel, was asked to be our backup speaker in case we came up empty. Well, this designated hitter hit a homerun for those who were lucky enough to see him in action. We were all ready to follow him into combat.
10 things the military taught me that apply universally
Michael Carroll
2017-05-17 10:00:00Z |
Climate Change, Rapid Ohia Death, and Other Hot Topics
We depend on our native forests as a watershed for drinking water and to purify our air by sequestering the overload in carbon we cause. Fire, invasive species, climate change, and other impacts on our forests are important to our livelihoods. Dr. Christian Giardina of the U.S. Forest Service is at the forefront of research on the health of our forests. Interestingly, his message was not what the scientists are doing, but what we can all do by engaging with nature.
Climate Change, Rapid Ohia Death, and Other Hot Topics
2017-05-14 10:00:00Z |
Medicare 101
To help us age gracefully, Leilani Soliven, a medicare consultant, explained how best to enroll in medicare. Due to the complexity of the medicare program and numerous options, the services of a consultant such as provided by Premier Benefit Consultants help individuals find the best fit through home appointments or educational seminars. Premier represents four of the six healthcare insurers in Hawaii: United Healthcare, HMSA [exclusive contract], Ohana Health Plan, and Humana (does not represent Kaiser Permanente and AlohaCare). Clients are never charged any fees. There are multilingual speaking agents. Leilani provided an overview of Medicare and helpful tips.
Medicare 101
2017-05-14 10:00:00Z |
Camp Agape-- Success Story
About 150 "Angels", children of incarcerated parents, attend the annual camp sponsored by Camp Agape Hawaii. In Hawaii, the child of an incarcerated parent is 50% more likely to be incarcerated as well. The role of Camp Agape is to reach these children and their parents, to see whole families transformed by unconditional love. Dawn Tavares and Kahu Charlie Kama introduced a former Angel who provided a heart-warming account of her experience.
Camp Agape-- Success Story
2017-04-29 10:00:00Z |
UHH Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization Lab
The UH Hilo provides cutting edge technology to better understand the dynamics of our island. Dr. Ryan Perroy, Assistant Professor at UH Hilo in the Department of Geography & Environmental Science and director of the UH Hilo Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) research lab, enlightened our club with an overview of a number of ongoing research projects including mapping erosion at the summit of Maunakea to detecting invasive tropical plant species with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). He is also in the midst of a multi-year project assessing coastal erosion rates and impacts from sea-level rise at three different locations across Hawaii island, using a combination of existing imagery and topographic datasets and new geospatial data collected with unmanned aerial vehicles.
UHH Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization Lab
2017-04-23 10:00:00Z |
Fight the Bite: Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Those pesky mosquitos can make you more than itchy. Of the six species of mosquitoes in Hawaii, two species are of primary concern that are active day and night. These species have been responsible and are capable of spreading Dengue, Zika, Chikunguya and other serious diseases. Jason Dela Cruz of the Department of Health explained the risks and prevention measures.
Fight the Bite: Mosquito-Borne Diseases
2017-04-15 10:00:00Z |
Converting Waste to Assets: R-1 Wastewater
Whether solid waste or liquid waste, the challenge is the same-- can we turn this liability into a sustainable asset? Our County's Director of the Department of Environmental Management, William Kucharsky, focused on the current efforts to reuse wastewater, but also touched on the recent sewage spill in Hilo Bay and composting.
Converting Waste to Assets: R-1 Wastewater
2017-04-09 10:00:00Z |
Proposed Styrofoam Ban
What is so light that it gets dispersed as litter in a light breeze, but strong enough to hold food; that can break into pieces that can take decades to breakdown, which pieces are ingested and toxic to marine animals and seabirds? Styrofoam. The introducer of a bill to ban styrofoam, Councilmember Eilene O'Hara, explained the reasons for the ban, potential cost impact to vendors who use them, alternative products, and status of the bill.
Proposed Styrofoam Ban
2017-04-04 10:00:00Z |
Jo-Anna Herkes: My Story
It was a pleasure to get to know Jo-Anna Herkes, one of our newest members, as she shared her story. Jo-Anna heads the Hilo office for a prominent engineering company based in Honolulu, SSFM International. She is not an engineer. She was asked to join the company in 2001 to help the engineers outreach to the community and government.
Jo-Anna Herkes: My Story
2017-03-25 10:00:00Z |
RYLA 2017 Completion Report
Project Name: Rotary Youth Leadership Academy for 2017 Date: February 24, 25, 26 Place: Kilauea Military Camp Description: Annually, the RYLA program is offered to high school students on the Big Island. The nine Rotary Clubs on the Big Island partner to provide the program and logistics for RYLA. The program is designed to give high school students leadership skills and experiences. RYLA is Rotary’s commitment to developing our youths to become future leaders of our communities. in addition to developing these leadership skills, students participate in the Volcanoes National Park program to eliminate the invasive ginger plant. RC of Hilo Bay sponsored 13 high school students for RYLA 2017. 5 from Keaau High School and 8 from St. Joseph High School. The students are members of the Interact Clubs at these high schools, and both clubs are sponsored by RC of Hilo Bay. There were a total of 62 high school students participating in this year’s RYLA at the Kilauea Military Camp. Two members of RC of Hilo Bay participated in the planning and facilitation of RYLA 2017. Respectfully submitted, Alan Okinaka
RYLA 2017 Completion Report
2017-03-21 10:00:00Z |
A New Doctor in Town
Are you aging gracefully? Or, are you noticing weight gain, loss of muscle mass, compromised immune system, wrinkling and thinning of the skin, depression and stress, cognitive decline, insulin resistance, loss of sex drive, fatigue, sleep disorder. What are you doing about it-- accepting all your aches and pains, taking drugs to treat symptoms, buying larger clothes to fit your weight gain, reducing activity due to pain, feeling and acting old? Well, if you want to start taking responsibility for your health, you may want to consult our newest Club member, Dr. Michael Fitch, M.D., who introduced us to his new practice.
A New Doctor in Town
2017-03-21 10:00:00Z |
BICAPSA: Protecting Women from Sexual Abuse
Rape victims need trained physicians and nurses to timely and effectively gather evidence, as well as tend to the physical and emotional trauma of the victim. In 1995, a rape victim waited over five hours in the emergency room for a trained doctor. She left in frustration, abandoning any chance to prosecute. Terri Lum, Director, explained how the Big Island Coalition Against Physical and Sexual Assault (BICAPSA) formed after that incident vowing to provide 24-hour service for rape victims. BICAPSA was the worthy recipient of our Club's Weinberg Foundation grant this year.
BICAPSA: Protecting Women from Sexual Abuse
2017-03-20 10:00:00Z |
Rotaract Update
Active, fun, dedicated, reliable. Our Rotaractors make us proud. President Brittany Luna, Vice President Brooke Higa, and Historian Kimi Taguchi gave an impressive report of their activities.
Rotaract Update
2017-02-28 10:00:00Z |
Community Paramedicine-- Reaching the Underserved
An elderly wife calls 911. Her husband has fallen and she can't lift him. When the paramedics arrive, they notice the home is in disarray. This couple needs help beyond the immediate assistance to lift the husband off the floor. Jesse Ebersole, Fire Department Captain, presented the community paramedicine program-- the first in the State. A team of paramedics, physicians, and social service providers identify and assist underutilizers of the healthcare system, particularly elderly, to connect them with services and prevent more serious injuries or sickness. The team also regularly strolls through homeless camps to tend to wounds and other needs. They use a computer program to identify frequent 911 callers and assess their needs. When they are called to a home and notice potential fall hazards, they perform an assessment and provide preventive aids such as slip-resistant mats or shower chairs. The goal of the community paramedicine program is to save overall healthcare costs by proactively preventing people from using the emergency care system as their primary care.
Community Paramedicine-- Reaching the Underserved
2017-02-19 10:00:00Z |
Natural Farming 101
A once boring and lifeless median in downtown Hilo now thrives with the fruits of the natural farming method. Drake Weinert, a farmer and teacher, explained how natural farming creates an environment favorable to promote beneficial fungus and microbes. The microbes create the fertility.
Natural Farming 101
2017-02-07 10:00:00Z |
Owner's Vision of the Grand Naniloa Hotel Hilo - a DoubleTree by Hilton
Co-owner of the Grand Naniloa, Ed Bushor, had never been to Hilo. He has since fallen in love with Hilo as a place more authentic than anywhere he has been. His business plans are predicated on this heart for this place.
Owner's Vision of the Grand Naniloa Hotel Hilo - a DoubleTree by Hilton
2017-01-25 10:00:00Z |
Purna Yoga- Smiling from the Inside Out
Yoga is the "union of body, mind, spirit". Jennifer Weinert, a registered yoga instructor, explained the benefits of yoga. Purna yoga combines the poses (asanas) with breathing, meditation, and nutrition.
Purna Yoga- Smiling from the Inside Out
2017-01-24 10:00:00Z |
Introducing New Police Leadership
Chief Paul Ferreira was named to the Police Chief’s position by the Hawaii County Police Commission on December 8, 2016, assuming the role on December 30, 2016. He chose Kenneth Bugado, Jr. as his Deputy Police Chief. We were honored to have them introduce themselves to our Club. The Police Chief and Deputy are honorary members of the RCHB. We offered our club as a source of assistance.
Introducing New Police Leadership
2017-01-16 10:00:00Z |
Dayday's Story
Member profile: Margarita "Dayday" Hopkins
"How did I get here?"
Margarita's nickname is Dayday, which means "little one". Her family last name is Leyson. She was born into a prominent mestizo family (Spanish, Chinese, local mix) as the second of three girls in the city of Maasin, Philippines. She grew up in a thatched nipa house cooking with a wood fire, taking cold showers, and using an outhouse.
When her father past away when she was 15 years old, her mother and two sisters had to move to another city. Dayday stayed to finish high school and attend a Catholic college on a scholarship where she earned a bachelors degree in accounting. She was a leader in ROTC. Under martial law, student leaders were threatened as "communist". Her mother urged her to move to Mindanao to live with her sister. What a fateful move!
Dayday's Story
2017-01-07 10:00:00Z |
SEE: Creating Livelihoods
It's all about helping people get back on their feet with a job. Steven Harris explained Goodwill Hawaii's Supporting Employment Empowerment (SEE) Program and how local business owners can benefit by employing one of Steven's clients.
SEE: Creating Livelihoods
2016-12-29 10:00:00Z |
Caring for Our Youth: Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island
Articulate and passionate, Jazmin Bronco, made our day by giving us hope that our youth are in good hands at the Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island, and that their program is very worthy to receive our fullest support.
Caring for Our Youth: Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island
2016-11-16 10:00:00Z |
On the Front Lines Administering Polio Vaccinations
Most of us donate money to the Polio Fund. Our own Trevor Rodrigues has donated himself. Trevor joined a Rotary mission to Nigeria and Senegal to assist with vaccinations. Trevor had witnessed the sufferings of polio victims first hand when he had lived in India. Trevor described a typical day in the life of a Rotary volunteer.
On the Front Lines Administering Polio Vaccinations
2016-11-09 10:00:00Z |
Rotary Foundation-- Doing Good in the World
Rotary International sets a monthly theme. The theme for this month is Rotary Foundation. Many of our newer members are not fully aware of the breadth and depth of the Rotary Foundation. Our Rotary Foundation chair, Alan Okinaka, provided an informative overview of RF's mission and focus.
Rotary Foundation-- Doing Good in the World
2016-11-07 10:00:00Z |
Lifelong Learning at CCECS
You can teach an old dog new tricks. Our community is fortunate to have the opportunities offered by the UH-Hilo College of Continuing Education and Community Service (CCECS). Julie Mowrer, Acting Director, and Chris Nishioka, Technology Program Coordinator, explained the courses and services that can take you to the next level whether it be for work (professional development, certification testing, continuing education requirements), pleasure (personal development), classwork (summer school), technology (senior net), or inter-cultural (English Language Institute, foreign language classes).
Lifelong Learning at CCECS
2016-10-16 10:00:00Z |
Meet the New HCC Chancellor
Our new Chancellor of the Hawaii Community College bikes to work. That says volumes. Although a newcomer who started in July 2016, Dr. Rachel Solemsaas fit right in and spoke with the ease, friendliness, and clarity of mission of a long-time fellow community member. Through her vision, the HCC will inspire students of diverse backgrounds and abilities to reach higher, thereby strengthening our local workforce and families.
Meet the New HCC Chancellor
2016-09-28 10:00:00Z |
Community Emergency Response Team
What if . . . the horrifying trembling lasted seconds but seemed like forever. The electrical lines are down. Homes have toppled. Neighbors have gathered in the streets. Some are trapped or injured in their homes. 911 cannot immediately respond; too busy with other emergencies. What to do? Whether it be an earthquake, hurricane, or other disaster, our capable first responders cannot respond to every emergency in a mass disaster. William (Bill) Hanson of the Civil Defense Agency briefed our club on how a community can be trained as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to properly respond while waiting for the professional first responders.
Community Emergency Response Team
2016-09-24 10:00:00Z |
The Dan Harmeling Medical & Wellness Center
Healthcare with heart. Introduced by Alan N., Dr. Stefan Harmeling conveyed his vision "of an integrative and holistic medical center to improve equal access to quality healtcare and transform the health and wellness of our Hawaii Island community." The existing Aloha Nui Family Practice, located at 69 Lanihuli Street, would be expanded to an 8200 s.f. facility under a new name, The Dan Harmeling Medial & Wellness Center. This facility would enable attracting and retaining an integrated staff of physicians, family nurse practitioners, nursing staff, and business administrators. Dr. Harmeling explained his approach to healthcare and how this facility would improve the health and wellness of our community.
The Dan Harmeling Medical & Wellness Center
2016-09-16 10:00:00Z |
Education can be one of the greatest equalizers if our children, regardless of income, are given quality support and encouragement to realize their potential. Quality education can also strengthen our workforce and economy so that families and communities thrive. To further this quest, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International collaboration has made a dedicated commitment of $1M per year to support science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education on Hawaii Island through the creation of The Hawaii Island New Knowledge (THINK) Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF). Introduced by our astronomy club member, Junichi N., Andrea Furuli, HCF's Senior Philanthropy Advancement Officer, accompanied by advisory Board member and Bank of Hawaii Senior Vice President, Roberta Chu, explained the opportunities offered by the THINK Fund.
2016-09-10 10:00:00Z |
Oktoberfest 2016!
Save the date: October 7, 2016, 5:30-9:00 p.m., Sangha Hall. Planning the Oktoberfest 2016 is in full swing. David D., this year's chair, updated the members in a Club Assembly and encouraged members to sign up for the various tasks to make this event a success.
Oktoberfest 2016!
2016-08-24 10:00:00Z |
Volcano Run
Bundled and spirited, our members manned Station #5 of the August 20th Volcano Run. Members included leader Katie Lambert, Richard Cunningham, Mary Begier, Tom Witthans, Steve Jacunski, William Knight, Miyuki Lee, and Kevin and Dayday Hopkins who encouraged the runners and kept them hydrated.
Volcano Run
2016-08-24 10:00:00Z |
Dictionary Project
How do you spell l-i-t-e-r-a-c-y? With the help of the dictionaries distributed to the third graders of Hilo Union Elementary on August 24th, those students should be on a more solid path to become better readers and writers. It's difficult to distinguish the Rotarians from the third graders but our literacy ambassadors, led by James Tyrin, included William Knight, Kim Keahiolalo, Anita Cunningham, Marlene Norton, Katie Lambert, and Junichi Noumaru.
Dictionary Project
2016-08-24 10:00:00Z |
Stewardship at the Summit
Paul and Jane Field, members of the Volcano Rotary Club, have been dedicated volunteer stewards of the Volcano National Park rainforest. They will be leading an East Hawaii Rotarians work day on September 24, Saturday, chosen as the work day in celebration of National Public Lands Day. There will be no park entrance fee on this day. The work day is in recognition of the 100th anniversary of both Rotary in Hawaii and the park. The task is daunting and all hands are appreciated. Paul and Jane explained the challenge.
Stewardship at the Summit
2016-08-19 10:00:00Z |
Blue Zones: Live Longer Better
East Hawaii is one of three communities in the State selected as a Blue Zone demonstration area. Carol Ignacio, Blue Zones Hawaii Community Program Manager for Hawaii island, explained this global initiative to create a healthier, happier life.
Blue Zones: Live Longer Better
2016-08-12 10:00:00Z |
Joint East Hawaii Rotary Clubs BISAC Project
Our club worked side by side with three other East Hawaii Rotary clubs (Hilo, South Hilo, Volcano) to help BISAC (Big Island Substance Abuse Council) transform a 3 acre site to teach participants about growing food while helping them learn marketable job skills. The work involved spreading 60 tons of gravel, painting garden beds, and painting a garden shed. Led by President Kevin and joined by Bettye, Katie, Deborah, and Roy, it was a satisfying morning of fellowship towards a good cause.
BISAC Work Day, August 6, 2016
Joint East Hawaii Rotary Clubs BISAC Project
2016-08-12 10:00:00Z |
Kevin Hopkins Installed as New President 2016-17
Dr. Kevin Hopkins became the 29th President of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay in July 2016. He is an internationally-known scientist who has managed aquaculture and fisheries development projects throughout the world for more than 40 years. Both he and his wife, Margarita, teach at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Kevin Hopkins Installed as New President 2016-17
2016-07-20 10:00:00Z |
The Power of Earthworms
We wasted 261,000 tons of food in Hawai‘i in 2010. Earthworms have the power to turn food and other organic waste into rich compost. Dr. Norman Arancon, professor (and singer extraordinaire) at the UH-Hilo, is considered a national expert in vermicomposting. Born in the Philippines with his Ph.D. from Ohio State University, he was a recipient of a Rotary International ambassadorial scholarship. Vermicomposts are “stabilized organic matter that are produced by the interaction of earthworms and microorganisms under controlled conditions.” Dr. Arancon provided insights on the superior qualities of vermicompost, its uses, and its potential for municipal waste processing and even toilets.
The Power of Earthworms
2016-07-20 10:00:00Z |
KTA Superstores: A Hundred Years Young
How do you grow a business over four generations from a family-run mom & pop store to a five-store chain employing over 750 associates? Started in 1916, KTA Super Stores is celebrating its 100 th anniversary. In his humble manner, Barry Taniguchi, Chairman & CEO of KTA, and charter member of our club, shared his thoughts for a successful business.
KTA Superstores: A Hundred Years Young
2016-07-17 10:00:00Z |
Oktoberfest 2015: Super Success!
Hilo Bay Oktoberfest 2015 scored again in its second year at Sangha Hall, Oct. 2, 2015. This was the 16th annual Oktoberfest the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay (RCHB) has sponsored. At the outset, Oktoberfest was at Wailoa State Park's pavilion, then it moved on to Aunty Sally's. It soon reached the walls there, and in 2014, it moved to Sangha Hall in Hilo, Hawaii.
Hilo Bay Oktoberfest now draws about 400 people, gathered for great food, excellent beer, frivolity and fundraising that supports community service projects in East Hawaii.
Watch this space for information on the 2016 Hilo Bay Oktoberfest...
Oktoberfest 2015: Super Success!
2015-09-23 10:00:00Z |
Test Story
Test Story
Anita Cunningham
2015-07-02 10:00:00Z |
Highlights - Bettye Williams Rotary Installation Dinner
Posted by Anita Cunningham on Jun 24, 2015
Pres Bettye and PDG D5000, Linda Coble with Rev. Dr. William H. Knight President Bettye with PPDG's D5000, Charlene Meyers and Linda Coble Bettye S. Williams, President, 2015-16
"Our RI President will ask us to "BE A GIFT TO THE WORLD" in 2015-16. We really don't know what kind of gift we have, until we unwrap it. Our individual gifts, or lack thereof, can evolve with time and experiences. And by the time the gift is can surprise us."
That is how PDG Linda Coble began her remarks to the installation crowd, and she shared stories from throughout her television news career and volunteer time with the Rotary Club of Honolulu...unwrapping gifts at every turn. She said the greatest gift of Rotary has been the gift of Ohana. She has Rotarian friends around the world, and never takes for granted the joy they have brought and the valuable lessons she has learned from them. She noted UCLA Basketball Coach, John Wooden told his players; "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." She said those words helped her throughout her career. Linda urged us to unwrap the gifts we have been given, gifts that have defined us...and share the mana and the Aloha Spirit of Service Above Self.
Highlights - Bettye Williams Rotary Installation Dinner
Anita Cunningham
2015-06-24 10:00:00Z |
Bettye Williams installed as 2015-16 President
Posted on Jun 16, 2015
Installation Ceremonies Conducted by PDG Linda Coble
Bettye Williams, a social services management consultant, was installed as the 28th president of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay at ceremonies Monday, June 15, 2015.
Outgoing president Barbara A. Hastings, partner of Hastings & Pleadwell: A Communication Company, passed the gavel to Williams, who was installed by Linda Coble, Rotary District 5000 past governor. In her keynote speech, Coble called on Rotarians to continually “unwrap the gift” of self to share time and talent with our communities.
Other officers installed were Hastings as vice president; Kyle Kawano, secretary; Paula Uusitalo, treasurer; Kevin Hopkins, president-elect, Roy Takemoto, sergeant at arms, and Mike Carroll, attendance secretary.
Over the past year, Rotary Club of Hilo Bay, which has 56 members, contributed to Puna relief efforts, to Camp Agape for children of incarcerated parents; to the Children’s Justice Center and to HOPE Services’ homesless shelters. The Club screen keiki for vision issues, and participated in youth literacy projects to earthquake relief in Nepal, to helping build wash facilities in Kosovo schools and to world polio eradication. Scholarships and education grants were made to several local students and the Club donated more than $5,000 to the Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation.
Bettye Williams installed as 2015-16 President
2015-06-16 10:00:00Z |
RCHB page: YWCA Remarkable People Program
Posted on Apr 22, 2015
RCHB page: YWCA Remarkable People Program
2015-04-23 00:00:00Z |
Scholarships & Funding for Them
Posted on Apr 20, 2015
HRYF Scholarship
Fiona Follett, a senior at St. Josephʻs, is our HRYF scholarship recipient. She graciously accepted the scholarship at last Wednesdayʻs meeting. Fiona will be attending California Polytechnic at Pomona where she plans to study chemical engineering. She is student body secretary (2 yrs), a member of the National Honor Society, captain of the volleyball team, captain of the tennis team, and carried a 4.+ GPA/
HRYF Club Fundraising
Our Club has donated a total of $5,350 to HRYF scholarships, thanks to the hard work, artistic woodworking, and great PR skills of Richard Cunningham.
Scholarships & Funding for Them
2015-04-21 00:00:00Z |
Kosovo Project Approved
Global Grant Moves Forward
Letter from Cliff Kopp, Treasurer of RC of Kona Sunrise
To the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay,
The Kosovo Global Grant Team is excited to share with you that the Grant has received final approval from The Rotary Foundation as of TODAY, April 16, 2015. Not only has your Kosovo Global Grant been approved, it has the enthusiastic support of the review team and the WASH advisory team. Through our combined efforts, and our wonderful and industrious partner club in Kosovo, we are ready to start changing lives.
What next? The Prishtina Club is ready to begin work -- just as soon as funds has been transferred.
Rotary Club of Hilo Bay — Amount of contribution: $500.00
Kosovo Project Approved
2015-04-16 00:00:00Z |
Rotary Park Redux
Great Job on Rotary Centennial Park
Once again, the Rotary Clubs of East Hawaii pitched in to work at the Rotary Centennial Park. Many thanks to the RC of Hilo Bay members, family and friends who participated, and special thanks to Mary Begier for organizing on behalf of our Club.
Mike Carroll...chain saw man, Walt Thistlewaite, Linus Liesenklas, Walt's exchange student; Deborah Beaver, Kim Auberson & fiancé...trailer man Ted Keahiolalo; Tom Witthans; Carol Van Camp; Marcia Sakai & Irie Sakai; Anita Cunningham; Roy Takemoto; Mary Begier, and Richard Cunningham.
Rotary Park Redux
2015-03-30 00:00:00Z |
International Service Opportunity
Celebrate Day of the Dead with StoveTeam
Rotarians, if you missed the February 2015 language school and stove-making trip to Guatemala have no fear! We have added a new adventure in November.
Celebrate the Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Guatemala. Improve your Spanish, explore Antigua, and volunteer for a good cause by working at a stove factory!
From October 31 until November 8,... read more
International Service Opportunity
2015-03-18 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: Andrew Iwashita
Andrew Iwashita, an attorney with Hawaii Family Trust Program, spoke about Alzheimer's and dementia. .jpg) He urged members to understand the links between heart health and brain function— "the older you get the more you need exercise."
He said there were three ways to grow brain cells: exercise, fasting and learning new things.
Speaker: Andrew Iwashita
2015-03-17 00:00:00Z |
HOPE & Agape Contribution Presentations
At the March 4 meeting, we were happy to be able to present checks to two well deserving community programs. 
After our successful completion of more than 100 combined hours of work by 29 Rotarians and two friends at the HOPE Services transitional housing complex, we earned $10,000 from the Weinberg Friends program, which we presented to Brandee Menino, the CEO at HOPE. Chester Cabral, who organized our Weinberg Project, presented the check. 
And Bryan Lindsay, Community Service chair, presented a $2,000 check to Pastor Charlie Kama and Dawn Tavares for Camp Agape. The Camp, held each year on Memorial Day weekend, provides skills, leadership training and fun for children of incarcerated parents.
HOPE & Agape Contribution Presentations
2015-03-10 00:00:00Z |
RYLA 2015
Forty-one high school students from various Big Island high schools attended RYLA 2015 this year to gain leadership skills and experience. 
RYLA was again successfully held at the Kilauea Military Camp from Feb.27 to March 1.
The Rotary Club of Hilo Bay sponsored seven students from St. Joseph and two students from Keaau High School.
Sharon Scheele, Anita Cunningham, and Alan Okinaka joined other Rotarians as trainers and facilitators for the leadership programs that focused on the Rotary Four Way Test. The fifth test, “Is It Fun?” was also tested and based on the student feedback on the last day, it was fun!
RYLA 2015 was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kona and Rotarian Scott Unger served as committee chair, focusing on the logistics of the camp to keep the students safe, happy, and well fed! Rotarian Gail Takaki from the Rotary Club of Hilo chaired Programming to get the students akamai and excited about their future.
Besides the indoor activities, students spent half a day on a hike through Haleamaumau Crater which included assisting the National Parks with the eradication of the invasive flower ginger plant, and later a night visit to the always humbling glow of the Haleamaumau Caldera.
The highlight of the leadership experience was hearing the students accept their role in becoming future leaders of our communities. Hearing adults say this is one thing. Hearing the youths say this with their  thoughts, words, and visions is what validates this belief.
The Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) camp is a program in the Youth Services (formerly known as New Generations) Avenue of Service, and it is our club’s commitment of supporting one of six areas of focus for Rotary International, which is Basic Education and Literacy.
RYLA 2015
2015-03-09 00:00:00Z |
HOPE Services Project a Success
Mahalo to the RCHB members who came out to make our Weinberg Friends Project at HOPE Services a success. At least 25 members from our Club, plus a cushion of a few from other Clubs, meant we met Weinberg's requirement of 25 members working 100 hours on the project. We had a few friends there, too.
Special call out to Lance Forsythe, who was there against doctor's orders, and to Carol VanCamp who painted in pain, and finally left for the emergency room. She wasn't admitted, but sent home with medications.
Again, special thanks to Chester Cabral for the excellent planning. Chester's report will come later, but we wanted to get the Mahalo in, right away. More photos (from Charlene Iboshi) are at the end of "Images of the Week."
HOPE Services Project a Success
2015-03-02 00:00:00Z |
Past Prez Mary Begier Awarded Athena
RCHB Past President Mary Begier was honored by the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce with the Athena Award for those who excel in business and support women in business. Mary joins Past Presidents Sharon Scheele and Carol Van Camp as Athena winners. Sharon was the very first awardee. Senior active member Barry Taniguchi's KTA SuperStores is a sponsor.
She's pictured below with MC Lincoln Ashida and then with some (not all) of RCHB members who attended the luncheon. Her husband, Lyle Phillips and Jill Jacunski are in the photo, as is Newton Chu, who apparently wants to switch Clubs!!
Congratulations, Mary.
Past Prez Mary Begier Awarded Athena
2015-02-03 00:00:00Z |
Centennial Park Update
The five Rotary Clubs of East Hawaii spent Saturday morning (1/31) at Kuhio Kalanianaole Park, better known to us as Rotary Centennial Park, working on cleaning out more invasive plants and trees and opening up the view plane. Thank you Mary Begier and James Leonard for being the point people for RCHB.
If you haven't seen the park lately, arborists cut down several ironwoods to expose the beauty of the Bay. A round of applause is due Mike Robinson, RC of Hilo, for doggedly moving this project forward.
From RCHB, attending were: James Leonard, Mary Begier, Alan Okinaka, Richard Cunningham, Bettye Williams, Allen Novak, Mike Carroll, Tom Witthans, Lance Forsythe, Roy Takemoto, James Tyrin, and Barbara Hastings.
Mike Robinson came upon the sad discovery early Saturday morning that thieves had wrenched off and stolen the plaques. See photo below.
Centennial Park Update
2015-01-31 00:00:00Z |
Scenes from the TriClub Meeting 01/28/15
2015-01-30 00:00:00Z |
Hawaii Public Radio Subject of TriClub Meeting
Posted on Jan 27, 2015
Mahalo to All Who Attended
TriClub Meeting, Wednesday, January 28, 2015
at Hilo Hawaiian Hotel
Presiding: Barbara Hastings, president, RC of Hilo Bay
Pledge: Richard Johnson, president, RC of Hilo
Inspiration: "Ideas have unhinged the gates of empires." — Paul Harris (selected by Cedric Mitsui, RCHB)
Photos: Special thanks to Chris Tamm.
4 Way Test: Doug Adams, president, RC of South Hilo
Happy Dollars: $730 contributed to HPR
Program: Michael Titterton of HPR gave an update on progress of bringing the second stream of programming to East Hawaii, the least remaining spot without it. He also gave an overview of where the station stands, and plans for the future. Pictured with Valerie Yee of HPR.
Charlene Meyers, ADG, demonstrates color changing mug (available for $20) that funds Polio Plus. Our District has donated $30,000 from mug sales, matched 2 for 1 by Gates Foundation, for a total of $90,000 to help eradicate the disease.
Richard Cunningham, RCHB, urges everyone to pony up for Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation. There could be a handcrafted wooden box in your future!
Mike Robinson, RCH, reminds us that work day at Centennial Park is Saturday, 1/31.
Doug Adams, RCSH, left, looking for folks who want to represent Rotary in the Merrie Monarch parade.
Richard Johnson, RCH, right, talks about Project Kokua fundraiser 2/28 to aid Puna district. Ask your Club leaders about tickets. Doug of RCSH noted his club helping with silent auction and needs items.
Bryan Lindsay, RCHB Community Service Chair, left, invites other Clubs members to help with the Weinberg project, 2/28, at HOPE Services.
Hawaii Public Radio Subject of TriClub Meeting
2015-01-28 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: J Higgins, Rotary AIDS Project
Posted on Dec 09, 2014
Jack Higgins, MD in on vacation in Hawaii but took time to share with RCHB the 25 years of the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project (LARAP.) 
Jack, who's day job is chief medical officer for Avantis Medical Systems, has served on the AIDS Project board for 13 years and recently spent time in Liberia for the launch of the partnership of Save the Children and LARAP. Save the Children is the biggest NGO dealing with kids in the world.
He noted that while in the United States, AIDS is a treatableable, controlable disease, but in Africa "it is still a killing disease." Each year 300,000 children are affected.
For more information on Jack, and on the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project, click here and for more about Jack, click here.
Speaker: J Higgins, Rotary AIDS Project
2014-12-10 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: R. Benedict, Children's Justice
Posted on Nov 25, 2014
"We need your help," said Robin Benedict of the Friends of the Children's Justice Center. She announced that she wanted to touch our hearts to help the Center help the children "who see deplorable things." Robin is the only paid staff, with 10 vlounteers. Last year, the Center saw 630  children, from assault victims to children who witnessed violent crimes.
Robin has more than 20 years' experience with the Department of Human Services and finds it rewarding to help child victims of abuse and neglect.
She noted research shows that abuse is a learned behavior; if children who experience this as part of life don't receive help, they may well repeat these learned behaviors as an adult.
"Each day in the US, more than three children die of abuse," she said.
She said locally, 158 children suffered severe abuse. "A lot of these children just want someone to love them," she said.
Among the things the Center regularly needs are new underwear, in any size, and rubber slippers.
The Friends work with the Center to offer supportive programs to assist the children traumatized by assault, abuse and neglect. They sponsor "Winners Camp" where the children learn leadership and life skills as well as self worth.
The Friends have applied to RCHB to be our 2015 Weinberg project.
Speaker: R. Benedict, Children's Justice
2014-11-26 00:00:00Z |
Mike Carroll: Vocational Speaker
Posted on Nov 25, 2014
Mike Carroll, one of the newest members of RCHB, told Club members a little bit about himself and wife, Leslie as part of our vocational service series. Mike called himself a "common soldier." He spent 20 years in the tactical Army including time as a combat arms officer.
Starting out as a private, Mike went to officers candidate school. He retired as a colonel. He's been to the War College in Washington, DC, been to jungle school, arctic warfare school and been to more deserts than he like to count.
Mike holds an MBA, and now operates a farm with Leslie. "My wife shot the last boar" on the property," he said. Leslie is also retired military, where she was a warrant officer. They raise and sell lamb on their Puna area far.
Since joining RCHB, Mike was quickly drafted to help with Oktoberfest and create a manual to streamline operations in coming years. He also accepted our sergeant at arms position.
Mike Carroll: Vocational Speaker
2014-11-26 00:00:00Z |
Happenings & News This Week
Posted on Nov 21, 2014
Rotary Foundation Month
It's Rotary International Foundation Month and Sandra Wagner-Wright urged members to give, even at a nominal amount of $10. Packaged with other Club-member contributions, it goes a long way, and much of it come back to us through district designated grants.
We sometimes think Foundation money is used for international projects overseas, but that's only part of it. Grants help locally and across the U.S. Sandra gave this example of how Foundation contributions work:
In June 2013, the Yarnell Hill, Arizona fire claimed lives of 19 firefighters, destroyed over 100 homes, severely damaged Yarnell Water Improvement Association’s water system. Estimated cost of Repair: $1.5 million
With a $89,000 Global Grant, The Rotary Club of Prescott-Sunup (AZ) partnered with RC Weonju (South Korea) & Alliance Service & Control Specialists (Phoenix) repaired damaged system. Grant Contributions from Rotary Clubs in Mexico, Germany, Canada, and the Cayman Islands. For more information click here.
Please give to the Foundation: Write a check, pay at our registration desk with a credit card, or go to RI website and make either a one time, or recurring gift. And, remember, November happy dollars go to the Foundation. 92% of contributions go to project funding, 2% to administration and 6% to fundraising. RI Foundation has a 4 star rating on Charity Navigator.
St. Joseph's Interact
RCHB Past President Sharon Scheele and member Miyuki Lee represented our Club for the induction of new members and the installation of the new officers of St. Joseph High School on November 18. There are 11 new members and one continuing member this year.
Vocational Service: John Furstenwerth
Small Business Development Center
John explained Wednesday this his organization provides professional level business advice to small and start up business es. SBDC bridges business owners with information and services that they need—from financial and empolyee management to marketing and help with loan applications.
There is no charge and SBDC "partners with the client over the long haul." This year, 1,000 clients have been served in 2,600 sessions.
Keiki Vision: Hilo Union School
Cedric Mitsui, Steve Jacunski, Anita Cunningham, Sandra Wagner-Wright, Mike Carroll and Barbara Hastings joined some of Cedric's staff to screen three classes at Hilo Union Thursday. There are more opportunities to volunteer for keiki vision sessions in December. Sign up online or at the registration desk Wednesdays.
Happenings & News This Week
2014-11-22 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: Dr. McCoy, Residency Chief
Posted on Nov 11, 2014
For a pretty long time, akamai folks on Hawaii Island were warning about a looming doctor shortage and how a residency program might entice primary care physicians here. This year, the first docs have begun the Hawaii Island Family Medicine Residency (HIFMR). Dr. Kristine McCoy, a .jpg) Stanford trained physician, has gotten it off the ground and moving forward.
Most our island's primary care providers will be retiring at the end of this decade, she said, "some want to retire now, but can't."
"It's great to come to come and be a doctor in Hawaii," she said, but the reality is that it's not as easy to be a business person here. With a single insurance provider holding a huge percentage of the market, physicians aren't paid very well. Medicare is cutting payments by one-fifth.
Families are challenged—often the physicians have highly educated spouses who need work, but if they are not astronomers, finding work can be hard.
"We try to recruit people who know already," about Hawaii, its challenges and benefits, she said.
McCoy talked about HIFMR—"our clinic is a school that treats patients. It's the first place outside Honolulu where you can train doctors."
She said with two silver tsunamis—older patients and retiring doctors—nurse practitioners are critical to solving the problem. She said HIBMR is working with UHH Nursing program and the College of Pharmacy for interdisciplinary training.
And, on Sunday mornings, you are welcome to join the "Walk with a Doc" group at the park.
For more info on the residency program:
Speaker: Dr. McCoy, Residency Chief
2014-11-12 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: Masaru Oshiro, Living Treasure
Masaru Oshiro was named a Living Treasure by the Honpa Hongwanji in 2011 for his lifetime of service.
He’s a social worker by training and by heart. He has come through life with no chip on his shoulder, no bitterness. He runs by a very steady moral compass. 
His immigrant parents lost the family farm when it was confiscated after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Masaru, a teen, tended livestock in the leeward hills of Oahu and went to Waipahu High School. He graduated in 1946 and immediately joined the US Army to serve in the Army of Occupation in Japan.
He came back, went to UH for a bachelor’s and then a master’s in social work, married Kiyoko and began a lifetime of service to his family and community.
Oshiro spoke to RCHB about life changing moments when he had to decide to do the right thing for his conscience at the peril of his career path. Once, because he disagreed with Gov. Ariyoshi, on whose administration team he served, over the death penalty. The other, when he was appointed warden of the prison, only to discover that while he had the on paper qualifications for the job, he was not equipped for it.
Oshiro, who is 86, continues to serve community, family and friends. He is a weekly volleyball player.
Speaker: Masaru Oshiro, Living Treasure
2014-11-05 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: B Menino of HOPE Services
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
 "It really bugs me when I see children, women, men, who feel they are not of value," Brandee Menino, CEO of HOPE Services told RCHB members. "We are here to inspire hope in our community—refeshe, reboot and move forward."
HOPE Services is the main organization on Hawaii Island trying to impact homelessness. She says one of its jobs is to build a bridge between non profit and business sectors. Menino works with a staff of 50 and 170 volunteers, handling 10 facilities, including two homeless shelters. HOPE also manages six transitional units for the County of Hawaii.
"What we really need are leaders who have the political will" to deal with affordable housing, Menino said. Hawaii is 160 percent above the national average cost of living, but average income is low. "Without housing, we'll have poor health" and other issues, she said. "It is cheaper to move them into housing than it is to deal with homelessness."
She reminded us that 26 percent of the homeless are children.
Menino grew up in Hilo, got her bachelor's degree at UHH, and earned a masters in professional counseling psychology from the American School of Professional Psychology. She sits on the board of Bay Clinic Inc. and The Foodbasket, Inc.
Speaker: B Menino of HOPE Services
2014-10-29 00:00:00Z |
DG Laura Steelquist on World Polio Day
Posted on Oct 21, 2014
Aloha, Wonderful Rotarians of District 5000!
Help #EndPolio Forever social media video launch:
We are very grateful for William Gates Sr.'s participation in the groundbreaking made-for-social-media video developed in partnership with Rotary. The video, Help #EndPolio Forever is now complete and has been approved by all partner health organizations.
As World Polio Day approaches we are distributing this video far and wide across the internet and ask for your help. Share it where you can and especially on any FaceBook Pages between October 20th and October 25th with concentration on October 24th, World Polio Day if at all possible.
Check out the new video - share it with your friends!
And join us for our Polio Fundraisers this weekend on all islands.
Together, let's LIGHT UP ROTARY and END POLIO NOW!
Aloha, DG Laura
Also Note: Please check out the amazing "world's biggest commercial" about ending polio at . Nearly 120,000 people from 173 countries participated. We're "this close."
DG Laura Steelquist on World Polio Day
2014-10-22 00:00:00Z |
Sister Club's PP Shimasakisan at Centennial Rotary Park Tree
Posted on Sep 23, 2014
In 2008, members of our Japanese sister Club of Higashi-Hiroshima visited Hilo and, with our Club, planted a tree at Kuhio Kalanianaoli  Park, known as Rotary Centennial Park, along Bayfront. On September 22, Takashi Shimasaki, who was president of the Sister Club during the planting visit, returned to see the tree and talk to mullet fishermen in the area.
Special thanks to Kenneth Barnes, Preston's son, for being tour guide to Volcano, and to Paula Uusitalo, who led Shimasakisan and his son to other sites.
It's especially interesting that Shimasakisan's visit comes immediately after a visit from Anamaria Maraboli-Smith, PP of our other Sister Club of La Serena Oriente in Chile.
Again, we are fortunate to have these international connections, and that we live in such a wonderful place that brings them to visit.
Sister Club's PP Shimasakisan at Centennial Rotary Park Tree
2014-09-24 00:00:00Z |
Chilean Sister Club Hopes for Common Projects with RCHB
We received a warm letter from the president and secretary of our Sister Club, La Serena Oriente in Chile, and Anamaria Maraboli-Smith (president of the Sister Club when the relationship was forged) and her spouse, Malcolm Smith of the La Serena Rotary Club, were on hand for a second meeting of RCHB during their Hawaii visit. (The letter is further down.)
Anamaria and Malcolm filled us in about the rural schools their clubs serve and talked about the local value of "Dar de si antes de pensar en si" — giving of yourself without thinking of yourself." It called to mind local adages: Hawaiian: Kahiau—"giving of yourself without expecting anything in return", and the Japanese: Okage Sama De—"I am what I am because of you." These values are part of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Hawaii mission statement. And, of course, of Rotary's "Service Above Self."
Anamaria explained that the rural area is poor and so support of the schools is a major effort for their Club. They take the kids to the beach, where some have never been before, have talks on subjects such as astronomy and international exchange.
And through Rotary, these Chilean Clubs are hoping to create a global awareness of the need for education about tsunami. Right now, the project is in the survey phase, Malcolm said, with the Utica (New York) Sunrise Rotary Club contributing $7,000. "If each district contributed $3,000, we could launch the actual project," he said.
During their Hilo visit, Anamaria and Malcolm visited the historic Bayfront clock, once the center of Waiakea town, before the town was devastated and the clock was stopped by the 1960 tsunami. They visited with the 96-year-old man who cares for the clock area. (9-hole Naniloa golf course borders clock area now.)
That same tsunami destroyed coastal areas in South Chile, too. The online photos are similar to Hilo’s.
From Wikipedia:
The 1960 Valdivia earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake (Spanish: Terremoto de Valdivia/Gran terremoto de Chile) of Sunday, 22 May 1960 was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, rating 9.5 on the moment of magnitude scale. It occurred in the afternoon (19:11 GMT, 15:11 local time), and lasted approximately 10 minutes. The resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia, and the Aleutian Islands.
We are fortunate to have connections like these through Rotary sister clubs.
Chilean Sister Club Hopes for Common Projects with RCHB
2014-09-17 00:00:00Z |
Letter from Sister Club — La Serena Oriente
Posted on Sep 02, 2014
Dear President Barbara,
Thanks to the good offices of my friend Anamaria, member and ambassador of our Rotary Club La Serena Oriente, I wanted you to receive our warmest Rotarian greetings together with all the members of our Sister Cub of Hilo Bay, Hawaii.
It has been put ot us to be the leaders of our clubs, so far away one from the other geographically speaking, but so close in respect to our ideals and spirit of service. My best wishes for you to have a successful Rotarian year and that we could unite in some common projects and to get to know each other better.
We are a small club, of only 14 members, but with a great will to "LIGHT UP ROTARY" and with clear goals to accomplish the objective set out by our President Gary and our Governor Felipe.
Finally, I would like via my friend Anamaria, to offer you an affectionate embrace of sisterhood, and to convey to all the members of your Club, especially to your Secretary Kyle, our feelings of friendship and of mutual collaboration.
M. Cristina Carrillo, Presidenta
Pedro Bello R., Secretary
Letter from Sister Club — La Serena Oriente
2014-09-03 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: Ha of Hamakua Springs
Posted on Sep 02, 2014
Richard Ha on food security
Farmers are pro science, Richard Ha told Club members at Wednesday's meeting. 'Whichever way science says, farmers will go." He and other crop producers, who represent 90 percent of the farm value on Hawaii Island, have filed suit against the County. "It's not about GMO; it's about food security," he said. In June, farmers, cattlemen and flower growers filed a suit to oppose the County's ban on genetically modified crops.
Ha said such a suit was a difficult decision. These groups took a big risk against concerns that people might boycott them, or take other actions.
"The group is saying, 'don't take away our options;' I don't use GMOs, but don't take away my options."
He was heartened by the recent federal court decision that Kauai's new law is preempted by state and federal measures.
Only 10 percent of what we eat here is produced here, he said. Organics have a particularly hard time against Mainland organics. Because cold winters and chilly springs allow harvest before the critters come, the industrial agriculture organics from the Mainland will win out.
He added that cost of energy drives up Hawaii food cultivation as well. Ha said we must leave options open for farmers to farm.
Ha is a former US Army Captain who served in Viet Nam. Hamakua Springs Country Farms is a 600 acre fee simple diversified ag farm with 70 workers. He sits on Board of Agriculture and on boards of HIEDB and Kohala Center. He is founding member Hawaii Farmers and Ranchers United, whose members produce more than 90% of the farm value on the Big Island.
Speaker: Ha of Hamakua Springs
2014-09-03 00:00:00Z |
Framed! By R. Cunningham
Posted on Aug 27, 2014
Vocational Service Event: Cunningham Gallery
Thanks to Vocational Service Chair, Allen Novak, for organizing our first-of-the-year visit to a member's workplace Thursday, Aug. 28. Richard Cunningham and spouse , Michelle Jodoi, were gracious hosts; Richard demonstrated the skill and knowledge that his shop puts into its framework, clearly art pieces in themselves.
Thanks to the Witthans for organizing the food, and to Kyle Kawano for the gift of delectable Suisan poke.
Additional photos are at bottom of Baywatch.
Framed! By R. Cunningham
2014-08-28 00:00:00Z |
Speaker: DG Steelquist
Posted on Aug 06, 2014
District Governor outlines RI goals for 2014-15
DG Laura Steelquist got to illustrate one of RI President Gary Huang's goals—to increase membership—at our meeting Wednesday when she inducted our newest member, Paul Agamata. Paul is a principal of Xceptions Inter-Networking Solutions. 
Making her visits to East Hawaii Clubs, DG Laura is carrying Huang's call to increase membership to 1.3 million Rotarians worldwide. She pointed out that it's been at 1.2 million for too many years.
Laura Steelquist is a member of the East Honolulu Club and owns with her husband (Past DG John) Hawaiian Islands Medical, a durable medical equipment company which they operate on the principles of the Four Way Test.
At our meeting she outlined two other world goals Huang has called on Rotarians to embrace—No new cases of polio by the end of 2015, and to involve families in Rotary.
Last year, 194 polio cases were reported in Somalia; this year, there's only been one so far. "Pakistan is still the problem child," Laura said. Violence against vaccinators continues there, along with outbreaks of the disease. But world civic and religious leaders are responding and an immunization ring has been thrown up around the country. You can't get in or out without being vaccinated.
District 5000 is trying to do its part (with Gates Foundation matching every dollar with two), but selling novelty mugs that are black until filled with heated liquid; they then display a brilliant lava eruption. ADG Charlene Meyers reported that already enough mugs have been sold to account of  $10,000 in the polio battle, and more mugs are ordered. (RCHB has sold one case and ordered another of the mugs, that sell for $20, with $10 going to fight polio."
DG Laura told of her experience in Ethiopia helping with polio immunization. A mother brought her baby in for the two drops. She asked that "the white one do it." Laura gave the drops—baby, mother and Laura cried, and mother wrapped up baby and left, for what would be a nearly two hour trek home. As she went off she turned to wave and smile at Laura—"and changed my life forever."
Speaker: DG Steelquist
2014-08-07 00:00:00Z |
July 23 Speaker: Member Tim Hansen
Restorative Justice Can Strengthen Communities
With 2.6 million people incarcerated in the US, and the recidivism rate 67 percent in Hawaii alone, Tim Hansen says an answer may be the trend called restorative justice.
Restorative justice, he explains, aims to make it better for the victim, ad often helps the criminal as well. "Crime victims want a voice in the criminal justice system," he says. Sometimes they want to talk to the perpetrator for some kind of closure.
Tim spoke at Wednesday's (7.23.14) meeting about his work at the Hawaii County Prosecutor's Office, as well as on the mainland.
When a crime happens, he says, rather than simply ask who did it, they ask, "who was harmed and what are their needs."
It can help the offender too, Tim says. "They often don't get a change to tell the truth." The system is set up in a way that legalities get in the way of truth telling. "There are many good things in our criminal justice system" he says, "but many things are lacking."
He asked the audience why a victim might want to engage in restorative justice. Some of the answers included that folks want to get stolen stuff back; regain a sense of power; be compensated for damages, or that something good may come out of it, such as preventing future crime. Sometimes, often even, there's a sense of forgiveness.
The restorative framework with the offender is based on "what you did was wrong and bad," but not that the person, at his or her core, is wrong or bad.
Criminals often objectify their victims, but if it can be personalized, put a human face to it. Tim talked about Native American, Hawaiian and other groups' methods of dealing with an offender, from hooponopono and peace circles.
July 23 Speaker: Member Tim Hansen
2014-07-25 00:00:00Z |
Member Sandra Wagner-Wright

Traveller. Historian. Writer
We know Sandra Wagner-Wright as a great Club member, dedicated to helping keep us on track with Rotary Foundation. We may also know that she taught womenʼs and global history at the University of Hawai`i for more than 20 years and holds a Ph.D. in history. We know she has an easy, warm manner in front of a group.
But many of us probably don't know that our Sandra is an avid blogger and writer on history and historical fiction. You can see her blog by clicking here, and you can subscribe to her blog/letter so you don't miss her travel stories. A recent one is about Nani Mau Gardens, its beauty, some history and a picture tour. For the full Nani Mau blog post, click here.
Member Sandra Wagner-Wright
Barbara Hastings
2014-07-10 00:00:00Z |
Council Chair J Yoshimoto addresses 1st RCHB 2014-15 meeting
Posted by Barbara Hastings on Jul 08, 2014

At the July 9 meeting, Hawaii County Council Chair J Yoshimoto, who has served on Council for eight years, said citizens might be better served by four-year Council terms and by at-large voting for the Councilmembers.
Yoshimoto, who cannot run for reelection to the Council due to term limits, said when we talk to elected officials, we should take note of how well they listen. For him, that is a measure of effectiveness. Elected officials should "listen, listen" and "contemplate," he said.
He said his big dream for the County remains unrealized, but that he intends to continue to press for it. That is to replace the aged Civic Center with a larger venue that would better serve the community.
Yoshimoto was first elected to Council in 2006. He has practiced law since 1992, is married to Tracie Nakano-Yoshimoto, who operates The Most Irresistible Shop in Hilo. The couple has three children. Yoshimoto is home grown and educated: EB De Silva Elementary, Hilo Intermediate and Hilo High, bachelor's degree from UH-Manoa and law degree from the Richardson School of Law.
Council Chair J Yoshimoto addresses 1st RCHB 2014-15 meeting
Barbara Hastings
2014-07-09 00:00:00Z |
Council Chair J Yoshimoto addresses 1st RCHB 2014-15 meeting
At the July 9 meeting, Hawaii County Council Chair J Yoshimoto, who has served on Council for eight years, said citizens might be better served by four-year Council terms and by at-large voting for the Councilmembers.
Yoshimoto, who cannot run for reelection to the Council due to term limits, said when we talk to elected officials, we should take note of how well they listen. For him, that is a measure of effectiveness. Elected officials should "listen, listen" and "contemplate," he said.
He said his big dream for the County remains unrealized, but that he intends to continue to press for it. That is to replace the aged Civic Center with a larger venue that would better serve the community.
Yoshimoto was first elected to Council in 2006. He has practiced law since 1992, is married to Tracie Nakano-Yoshimoto, who operates The Most Irresistible Shop in Hilo. The couple has three children. Yoshimoto is home grown and educated: EB De Silva Elementary, Hilo Intermediate and Hilo High, bachelor's degree from UH-Manoa and law degree from the Richardson School of Law.
Council Chair J Yoshimoto addresses 1st RCHB 2014-15 meeting
Barbara Hastings
2014-07-09 00:00:00Z |
RCHB launches 2014-15: "Light Up Rotary"
Posted by Barbara Hastings on Jun 28, 2014

New officers and committee chairs have committed to carrying on the programs and projects of RCHB, as well as take on new challenges as part of new RI President Gary C.K. Huang's theme to Light Up Rotary. The first meeting of the year is July 9, 6:45 am at Hilo Yacht Club.
RCHB launches 2014-15: "Light Up Rotary"
Barbara Hastings
2014-06-29 00:00:00Z |
Allstate's Kris Speegle Receives Rotary Award
Posted by Barbara Hastings on Feb 27, 2014
For Immediate Release
Allstate’s Speegle Nets Rotary Vocational Honor
Hilo, Hawaii—February 27, 2014—Kris Speegle, owner of Allstate Insurance Agency in Hilo, has been awarded the Rotary International
Vocational Service Leadership Award for his work in advancing ethical
business practices, collaboration and community service.
Speegle, a member of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay (RCHB), was
presented the award earlier this month by Rotary District Governor Phil
Sammer. Besides his service in Rotary, Speegle helped found and is the
president-elect of the Big Island Referral Network. The
network is a referral-based vocational organization, which was built on
Rotary values of community service.
Speegle, who served in the military in Kosovo and Macadonia,
returned to Hawaii and joined Allstate in 2012. He mentors his three
full-time employees to develop goals and skills and to participate in
community service.
Speegle worked through Allstate Insurance to help fund the Hilo
Goodwill Industries with improvements. Speegle obtained a $4,500 grant
from Allstate, which the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay matched with a $5,000
grant and he got an additional $1,000 from an Allstate counterpart.
Speegle also organized other Rotarians to speak to the St.
Joseph High School Interact Club on vocational service. Interact is a
secondary school program built on Rotary values.
“Kris Speegle is a shining light for the future of Rotary and
our community,” said Cedric Mitsui, president of RCHB. “We are grateful
that he was introduced to our club by Preston Barnes III, one of club’s
charter members.”
RCHB was founded in 1988 and averages 50 members. The group
meets for breakfast on Wednesday mornings for fellowship and community
speakers. For more information, visit

Kris Speegle, center, was awarded the Rotary’s Vocational
Service Leadership award. He is flanked by his sponsor, Preston Barnes III and District Gov. Phil Sammer.
Allstate's Kris Speegle Receives Rotary Award
Barbara Hastings
2014-02-28 00:00:00Z |
Rotarian Sweat Equity Nets YWCA of Hawaii Island $10,000 Weinberg Grant
Posted by Barbara Hastings on Feb 26, 2014
The following press release has been issued...
For Immediate Release 
Rotary Club of Hilo Bay Donates Sweat Equity to Net $10,000 for the YWCA
(HILO, HAWAII, February 25, 2014)—The YWCA of Hawaii Island received a $10,000 grant from the Harry & Jeannette Weinberg Foundation Friends Program, earned by the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay (RCHB) sweat equity.
Rotarians worked for four hours Saturday, Feb. 22, painting the YWCA’s preschool center in warm vanilla and bright persimmon, the YWCA’s signature color. The work project was part of the Weinberg Friends requirements for hands-on community service in order to earn the grant for the agency.
“For Hilo Bay Rotarians, the work day is more than community service,” said Cedric Mitsui, president of RCHB. “It affords members a different kind of fellowship and bond.”
The YWCA Preschool on Ululani Street in Hilo offers a safe place for youngsters to learn emotionally, intellectually and physically, to prepare for kindergarten. Studies show that preschools with structured programs give children skills for school success.
“Preschool is expensive for many of our island families, said Kathleen McGilvray, CEO of the YWCA. “We intend to use the Weinberg grant money to help defray the cost for some families who need it, both for tuition assistance and for nutritious snacks. More than 70 percent of the families who use our preschool are at or below the federal poverty level.”
The Rotary Club of Hilo Bay, chartered in 1988, averages about 50 members representing business, non-profit agencies and the professions. The group meets weekly on Wednesday mornings for breakfast. For more information, visit
Rotarian Sweat Equity Nets YWCA of Hawaii Island $10,000 Weinberg Grant
Barbara Hastings
2014-02-27 00:00:00Z |
News Alert!
Posted by Barbara Hastings on Jul 24, 2013
Energizer Awards
District Governor Phil Sammer, far left, presented his "Energizer Award" to four Rotary Club of Hilo Bay members for their efforts to energize our club and give back to the community.
Kris Speegle (Youth Service Chair), Sharon Scheele (Membership Chair), Anita Cunningham (Newsletter/Octoberfest Chair), and Alan Okinaka (Past President/25th Anniversary Committee) received their awards on July 24, 2013 at the Hilo Yacht Club.
Congratulations on this well deserved recognition.
News Alert!
Barbara Hastings
2013-07-25 00:00:00Z |
About Us: RCHB
Posted by Barbara Hastings
The First in Hawaii Breakfast Clubs
The Rotary Club of Hilo Bay (RCHB) was chartered on June 22, 1988 as the first breakfast club in District 5000 (State of Hawaii).
Founding president Pete Muller brought the early morning club to Hilo after experiencing them during a Rotary Group Study Exchange to Austria.
RCHB averages about 50 members from business, non-profit, academic and professional sectors. The club focuses on service above self and works to improve Hilo and the world. We're friendly and take joy in our Rotary network.
We contribute our treasure in the form of dollars to scholarships, international aid to eliminate polio and promote safe water and to local projects. We contribute our time to bring children better learning, through keiki vision screening, library programs and introducing third graders to dictionaries.
Each year, the Club takes part in the Weinberg Friends Program—the sweat equity of 25 members for one morning nets the nonprofit of our choice $10,000. Over the course of our Weinberg projects, we have been responsible for more than $100,000 of grants to our community.
The 2014-15 Weinberg project found 29 Rotarians and a few friends painting the exterior of HOPE Services' transitional housing for homeless families. The 2013-14 Weinberg project brought a fresh coat of paid to the YWCA’s preschool buildings.
About Us: RCHB
Barbara Hastings